I. Lydia

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Lately I've been having these really, really strange dreams. Usually it's the same dream on repeat every night.

I usually talk about my dreams with Stiles, but obviously he's not here any more. I miss him so much more than I have led on to everyone.

Sometimes I think people still see me as the weird bitch from back in sophomore year. It's all Peter's fault though.


My dream is... Is hard to describe. There's this pale boy who says he's my brother or some other kind of relative. And he says he's trying to find me, but he's having trouble with his abilities with traveling? Or something? The vision is blurry and fuzzy to hear.

I don't think to much of it as I enter the school to meet up with what's left of my friends. Scott, Kira, and Derek, but obviously Derek doesn't go to school with us. Malia ran-away from being depressed about Stiles' departure.

"Hey guys." I greet, tired out of my mind.

"Are you okay?" Scott ask, picking up on my mood.

"Yeah. Fine!" I say defensively. "I gotta get to class."

"What's with her?" I hear Kira ask Scott.

"I think she's more upset about Stiles leaving then she led on, but aren't we all?" I hear Scott answer her.


After class, I ran to catch up with Kira. You see I thought of a plan during 1st period. "Kira!"

"Oh, hey Lydia!" Kira replied.

"I was wandering if you could get a message to Stiles' somehow? Or help me get one to him some how?"

"Yeah. We could call Percy's stepdad and have him send a message. Is Stiles' phone not working?"

"Sadly not."


After lunch, I had a free period, so I decided to go to the animal clinic to see Dr. Deaton.

"Hey, Doc. Woah! Talk about the elephant in the room!" I say surprised at what I was seeing.

"Actually, it's a Pegasus. A rare black one. You hardly ever see these majestic creatures just wandering around." Deaton said trying to tame the beast. The question running through my head is, how on earth did he get that horse through that small door.

"You." I fumble to get the correct words out. "You. Your the horse from one of my dreams."

"Dreams? I don't understand." Deaton says confused.

"I've been having these strange dreams lately. This Pegasus shows up in a few of them. A black hair boy with deep brown eyes is in almost all of them. And Stiles." I pause. "Wait! Are you Blackjack?" I recall the name of the winged-horse Percy flew away on. Blackjack bobs his head yes. "So you can take me to see Stiles?" The horse, again, bond his head yes. "So why is he here doc?"

"No reason. I just found him sleeping on the roof."

"Okay, awesome. I'm not going to bother asking how you got him in here." I say taking the reins Deaton wrapped around his head. I lead Blackjack out of the clinic, don't ask how. It was quite difficult. I pull myself on top of him and say goodbye to Deaton before Blackjack flies up into the air. Leaving Beacon Hills in the distance. Though I'll probably see it real soon.

"Have you seen Lydia? I have Mr. Bolfis' number. She wants to send him a message. " Kira asks/says.

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