This us still copying and pasting the original with Permission. I just haven't been in the best mood lately so yeah sorry
~HasuDipper's POV:
The demon man started to speak, "Hey kid..." I was worried he would ask me to make him a drink, and I really don't feel like making a fool of myself in front of the people I was trying to get to know. "Could you hand me a glass of cupam?" he asked. I froze in fear. I slowly turned around to face the demon, he had very light blond hair and light blue eyes. I gave him a nervous smile, "You see sir, I'm not the bartender. I was just getting myself a glass of water." The demon's eyes widened but returned to normal after a second and he smiled at me, "That's fine, this bartender was new anyways. He labeled all the bottles and wrote down all kinds of recipes with directions and pictures to use until he memorized them all." he said. I furrowed my brows, I guess doing one person a favor wouldn't hurt right? I recognized cupam as Latin, but for what I don't know. I decided if I was going to this man a favor, then maybe he can help me too.
"Sir, I'll make your drink I just want to know what cupam translates to. I'm studying Latin right now but I haven't stumbled across that word yet, so if you would clarify that would help a lot." I said to him. He cracked a grin and laughed a bit, "You don't have to keep calling me 'Sir' kid, the name's Kryptos. And good for studying Latin, easier to eavesdrop on demons. Cupam is whiskey, kid, I believe that is an easy drink to make on earth right?" he asked. I nodded, but then another thing came to mind, "Flat or on the rocks?" I asked Kryptos. His grin widened and said, "On the rocks, please." I nodded and fetched a whiskey glass, then filled it with ice and whiskey. I finished the drink and handed it to Kryptos, to which he said thank you and grabbed it from my outstretched hand. I expected him to down it but instead, he sipped it.
I was about to leave with my water, but then another demon came along and stood next to Kryptos. "Hey, Krypty, how's it going old friend?" he said. This demon was purple themed, wore a black bowler hat, and had a British accent. "Hey, Tad! I've been well, how are you, yourself?" Kryptos said to his seemingly old friend. Tad smiled, "Business has been slow, but I came here to take a break from everything. On that note, would you mind making me a Sanguineum Maria, mate?" he said, the last part directed to me. My eyes widened and I looked around nervously until my gaze landed on Kryptos, he had a friendly smile on his face and gave me a thumbs up. 'Use the recipes' he mouthed to me. I took a deep breath and smiled back at Tad, "No problem." I said. I quickly looked around and saw the book Kryptos had mentioned and picked it up. I flipped through the pages quickly, looking for a Latin word that looks like how he said it. When I finally found the page I realized that it was just a Bloody Mary, simple to make. I smiled at this, this wasn't so bad.
I grabbed the ingredients necessary for the drink and hastily made it. When I was finished I carefully swung around and held out the drink for him, which he took with a nod and a 'thanks, mate.' I felt accomplished, I had learned a new skill in under ten minutes! My feeling of relief lasted only so long before more demons came, crowding around the bar. It started slowly, two people at a time, but then it got the point where I had to look for a notepad and a pen and actually take down orders. I was almost in a routine. Take orders, write them down, start drinks, finish drinks, yell out drink name, handoff drinks, and it starts all over again. It wasn't as tiring as you think, it was actually kind of fun. I had gotten multiple drinks of water during the time this was happening, I needed to stay hydrated. There were some cool drinks they ordered, 'sexus in litore', 'veteris formavit', 'tenebitur planta tonico', and more. I guess Stan forcing me to make him drinks paid off, cause right now I would say I'm doing pretty good.
Bill's POV:
It had been a few hours and I do not see where Dipper went. I was mildly concerned for the poor kid but he can handle himself, and if he can't then he would summon me. I was just sitting on my throne looking over the crowd, watching all of them go by. Pyronica had come back over and we started to talk, she said she was impressed by Dipper's knowledge of demons but she still didn't trust him completely. I said that was fine, it was progress at least. I had seen she had gotten bored after a bit and called over a nearby demon, I ordered him to go get Pyronica a Tequila Ortus. He came back after 15 minutes, and I wondered what took him so long. I sternly asked him what held him up and he said it was crowded. I doubted it, Kryptos was a newbie when it came to drinks but he was the only one to actually know how to make them so I told him to do it. Pyronica took a sip from her drink and had a shocked look cross her face before she said, "This is actually really good, I didn't expect this from Krypty."