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Tine has had it with Sarawat.

They've been dating for a while, they even moved in together. Hell, their friend groups have permanently merged into one barely functioning brain cell. Things were perfectly fine between them, save a few bumps here and there but that's how all relationships are.

So why might Tine be done with Sarawat you might ask? His one and only Saraleo?

The compliments.

Tine thought as time went on he would get used to Sarawat complimenting him or telling him he was pretty or that he looks like an adorable bunny he wants to protect with his life.

Oh how wrong he was.


It was a normal day for the couple. Lazing around on a Saturday with exams over and done with a few days ago, they felt as though they had all the time in the world.

Sarawat's head was in Tine's lap, Tine running his hands through his boyfriend's hair, styling it in different ways. Sarawat had his eyes closed enjoying the way his lover's long, delicate fingers glided through his hair, massaging his scalp and putting him in a state of complete bliss.

Tine was taking his sweet time to trace his gaze over his boyfriend's face. He was handsome, everyone knew that but not everyone had the opportunity to see him like this.

Tine's gaze trailed from his eyes, to his nose, to his cheeks and finally, the full plump lips he was allowed to kiss whenever he damn well felt like it. So what if Tine's gaze fixated on his lips a little longer than the other parts, so what.

Until those admirable lips spoke and broke their little happy bubble.

"Your eyes are sparkly. Like the night sky when we went on that trip."

Tine halted his movements.

Now Tine knew he was good looking, some even called him pretty. He knew how to take a compliment and give one back.

But when it came to Sarawat. He had no idea.

He finally snapped out of his daze when Sarawat nuzzled his face into his stomach, his nose poking him in the process.

"Don't think so hard. You'll get wrinkles. That's okay I'll still find you cute and love you."

Tine snapped his eyes down to look at him. Cheeks pink, eyes blown wide and mouth agape.


Sarawat snickered.

"Have I rendered Mr.Chic speechless?"

The pleasing grin on his face made Tine think Sarawat looked, now that he thought about it, adorable.

Tine, going into fight or flight mode, hightailed it out if the room into the bathroom, leaving a dumbfounded yet slightly amused Sarawat sprawled into the bed.


The next time it happened, Tine almost broke his phone. And maybe dented his pride a little in the process.

Sarawat had a later than usual class today so Tine was home alone. He didn't mind too much at first, moving about here and there, straightening little things around the apartment. But eventually he got bored.

Then he decided to cook.

Now he's not a chef but he also isn't completely handicapped in the kitchen. He can cook some things. Which is why he decided he's going to surprise Sarawat with a hot meal when he gets home.

He got to work immediately. Tossing ingredients and turning spoons in pots like a pro. He had Scrubb playing softly in the background so he was shaking his hips slightly to the music.

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