His Place

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Sarawat's place is on Tine's shoulder.

Tine noticed his boyfriend loved to put his head on his shoulder. When he was tired, being a baby and even just because he felt like it.

It brought Sarawat comfort and Tine felt comforted knowing he was what calmed Sarawat and let him rest his head on his shoulder.


Sarawat was pouty, annoyed and he strongly believed he was cursed. Whatever deities that had it out for him, they were really screwing him over.

First of all, Tine has a class earlier than him so he woke up by himself, no boyfriend in sight.

Secondly, he was late for class, Man and Boss glanced at him as the teacher scolded him. On a normal day, they would've teased him, but this wasn't a normal day by the look on Sarawat's face.

He wasn't even able to function because the coffee shop he liked on campus was closed and he didn't have the time to search for a new place.

At lunch, he was studying for a test and nothing was sticking into his brian, as if there was a mental block preventing him from processing and remembering the words.

Man and Boss showed up looking slightly paled and terrified.

Sarawat knew something bad was about to happen, again, whenever they had that look.

They informed him his favourite food stall was closed and he sighed in frustration.

"Political Science students, your test has been moved to an earlier time, please report to your classroom in the next ten minutes."

Oh how Sarawat wished he would drop dead that second.

The test was okay, Sarawat knew he passed, he knew for sure he got above the pass mark, he wasn't sure by how much though.

At least one thing was going slightly fine today.

Or maybe not.

When Sarawat gets home, Tine is usually waiting for him either watching TV or napping in their bed

But this time, he was alone, Tine's cheerleading practice went on later than usual so Sarawat came home to an empty apartment.

He slumped slightly and made his way up and into the shower and waited for Tine to come home.

When he got out of the bathroom, he changed into one of his boyfriend's T-shirts and a pair of sweat pants and set the air condition low, while wrapping into a burrito blanket, slipping into a well needed slumber.

When Tine got home, he found his Saraleo curled up in a blanket, in a cold room on his side of the bed.

That was his first sign something was wrong.

His second sign was the fact that Sarawat never sleeps when waiting for Tine to get home, usually he finds him strumming his guitar or doing his school work but this is the first time, Tine thinks, he finds him asleep.

His final sign was the expression Sarawat had on his face as he slept.

Usually the boy had a peaceful face while he slept, it was his favourite thing to do after all but, right now, the face he had was one of discomfort and stress. He looked as if he carried the weight of the world on his shoulders.

Tine watched him in worry for a few seconds before he made up his mind and moved around the room, getting a towel and clothes before getting into the shower.

When he came out, fresh and clean wearing nothing but his sweat pants, he threw the towel on the hanger and slipped into the bed as quiet as he could.

Sarawat stirred a little but made no indication of actually waking up otherwise.

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