Chapter Three - Move On

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I looked up at the woman. Her hair was a brunette color and long, going down to her tailbone, with the bottom tied into a ponytail. She also had brown eyes, which stared into mine in shock. I'll never know if it was a coincidence or a fate meeting, but...

"Ochako... uh, hey," I said to her.

Ochako and I hadn't seen or talked to each other since our breakup. This... was awkward and painful for me to say the least. She began scanning my items, trying not to make eye contact.

"So... how are you doing? It's been a while..." I said to her.

"I'm... fine. Life's been okay..." she responded. I never felt more awkward.

There she was. The one I had let go, and the girl I fell in love with.

"I see you're working here now," I said.

"Yeah, um... It's the only job I could really-" she tried to say.

"Ochako! Stop making conversation and get back to work! I don't pay you to talk to the customers," someone yelled at her, and I assumed it was her boss.

"Sorry... I can't talk right now. But Izuku... it was great seeing you."

"Same here..." I said, swiping the card and paying for the food.

I then walked away, not looking back at her. I didn't want to feel the heartbreak right now. She looked different, almost sadder nowadays, but I couldn't judge. She might've had a rough day today. Or maybe she just didn't want to see me...

I shook it from my mind for now and put the groceries in the back of the company van. before hopping in and heading back to the agency.


I watched Izuku walk away with his groceries. I never expected to see him here. Especially at this crummy job that pays too poorly. Especially after I was training and graduated to become a hero... The next person came into my line and I pushed the thought from my head.

My shift had finally ended after many slow hours, and I grabbed my purse and other belongings from back office before heading towards the door to leave. I didn't have a car, so I'd have to walk the fifty minutes back home, which after standing for so long was horrible. But I needed this job to help support me and my parents, whos construction job was falling under.

I exited the grocery store, taking my nametag off and throwing it in my purse. My mind immediately went back to Izuku again. It had been a while since... since that day I left. But even if I feel bad about it, for some reason I felt like I didn't regret it. I loved him so much, but things change. I heard a car pull up to me, and turned to see him in a company van He smiled at me.

"Need a ride?" Izuku asked me.

I hesitated for a moment, before agreeing to get in the passenger side. Once I got in, I told him the destination and he drove. The first couple of minutes we sat in silence until he spoke.

"Listen, Ochako. I'm sorry," he told me.

"If it's about what happened eight months ago... it's fine. I understand it was important for you and I get that," I replied, looking out the window.

"Just know that I'm not mad. And I don't blame you for leaving," he assured me. "I mean that."\

"Thanks, Izuku."

"If you don't mind me asking, how come you're working at a grocery store? What happened to your internship job with Thirteen?" He asked me.

"After I left you, I told her I needed time to pick myself back up. Turns out, though, she had already found a replacement for me by the time I was ready to go back. I needed money quick and that's the store is the only one I could get in such a short time," I stated.

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