Chapter Five - Encounter

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Kamuri and I arrived at the coffee place, her holding my arm as we entered. It was one of those coffee places you sat at and a waiter would come and take your order. We decided on a booth, with Kamuri sitting across from me. Smile smiled at me, and I swore I saw her blush a little.

"Thanks, Izuku... for taking me out tonight," she said, brushing some hair from her face. "I haven't been on a date since... Ryuki was here."

"It's no problem, really," I replied.

"So, Mr. All For One killer, what made you ask me out on a date exactly?" She asked, placing her chin on her propped up hands.

"Honestly, Todoroki told me I should get back out onto the dating scene. He thought you might've had a thing for me and told me to just give it a shot, so I did," I replied.

"Well, he thought right," she replied, blushing.

"R-really?" I stated.

"Why else would I randomly hug you after you became the number two hero? I don't go around hugging people out of habit," she stated, smiling.

Just then, the waiter came up, ready to take our orders

"Welcome to our coffee shop, what can I start you out with?," The waiter stated.

He took a second look at me, which made me a bit uncomfortable.

"Wait... Aren't you Deku, the number two-" he began.

"Shhh! I really prefer not to be noticed in public," I told him, causing Kamuri to giggle.

"Can I please get a picture? I can't wait to tell everyone I met THE Deku himself!" He stated, pulling his phone out. "Everyone is gonna flip when I show them this!"

I laughed it off, and he posed for a selfie with me. One we were done, he admired it in awe before looking at Kamuri.

"And who's this little lady?" The waiter asked.

"Well uh... she's-" I tried to say. I didn't know how to respond.

"I'm a good friend of his. We came to catch up," Kamuri stated.

Thanks for the save there, Kamuri. The last thing I needed was the media flipping out and harassing me over this.

"Ah, alright. So what can I get for you two," the waiter said, still too excited.

"Coffee with vanilla creamer," I told him. "And a bagel, if you could."

"I'll take a Mocha Latte and a croissant," Kamuri told him.

"Alright, got it. I'll be right back with your orders!" The waiter said.

"So, it seems you're a hot commodity nowadays, mister number two hero," Kamuri stated.

"It's what comes with the title I guess," I responded.

The date seemed to be going decent, her and I talking about our day and life away from work. I learned a lot about her, and she learned a lot about me. And I had to admit... I was feeling a connection. That was until she stepped in. 

Ochako and a man, I assumed her boyfriend, walked into the coffee shop. Luckily, Kamuri was facing away from the door and I ducked my head down. I got lucky, as she didn't seem to see me. Why was she here? Why now? 

I still loved her, and now I was hurting in the middle of my date, seeing her with her new boyfriend. The date that could've helped me move on was now ruined, as the woman I spent years with was sitting across the room with another guy. Luckily Kamuri didn't notice her or how I was acting, as I had a stinging feeling in my chest. 

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