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  • Dedicated to AH2

The waves crush me

Its hard to breath

The waves roll out pulling me under

pushing me futher as they go

Calling for help

Look for the shore

Trying to find stabilty

Losing the fight 

I'm just giving up

Knowing there is no end

Kicking the demons 

Losing my grip 

Pulled to safety

Deep breath in

The waves biting at my toes

Reaching out

Holding on tightly

Till the warmth envelops me

Waves of emotions crash into my heart

Water dripping down

Shivering on the sand

Then I feel the hand

That brought me back

From the pain of the waves.....


I plan on making almost like a second part to this poem. I just do know what it will be yet so im leaving it off there.




Loves Ya'll, Chels

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