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The Mouse Who Sang for Paradise by wdhenning

The Mouse Who Sang for Paradise by wdhenning

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They called her 'Mouse'. Kie Loren just wanted to be left alone to study the music she loved. But now she was teamed up on a biological survey project with Ben Finn, the son of Mora and Gan Finn, the heroes credited with saving this newly terraformed world called 'Paradise'. It didn't help that Ben was handsome and irresistibly charming. The most infuriating part was that he knew it.

Ben was the least of her problems. An alien civilization had begun terraforming this world long before humans arrived. And now they wanted it back.

Qualify: The Atlantis Grail by VeraNazarian

In 2047 an extinction level asteroid is hurtling toward Earth, and the descendants of ancient Atlantis have returned from the stars in their silver ships to offer humanity help

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In 2047 an extinction level asteroid is hurtling toward Earth, and the descendants of ancient Atlantis have returned from the stars in their silver ships to offer humanity help. But they can only save a tiny percent of Earth's teenage population. To be chosen, you must Qualify.

Paradise Blight by wdhenning

The first terraformed world, Tau Ceti Four, was now ready for colonization

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The first terraformed world, Tau Ceti Four, was now ready for colonization. Some called it Paradise, and it seemed a fitting name. The initial conditions before the terraforming began were perfect, too perfect for botanist Mora Torr. Something was not right.

Engineer Gan Finn came over with the other colonists on the Ark Hope ship. He, like Mora, was as much running away from an anguished past as seeking Paradise. But twelve light-years distance itself does not cure broken hearts.

Soulspore by MadMikeMarsbergen

While undertaking an ancient rite of passage called The Sight, a young man is transformed into a cloud of fungus spores

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While undertaking an ancient rite of passage called The Sight, a young man is transformed into a cloud of fungus spores. Can he save his people?  

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