Chapter 19

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Ariana's PoV:-

I must've fallen asleep because I woke up when something pushed into my lap, I opened my eyes, and there was my little Bella hugging me and pulling herself into my lap.

She was sniffing so I know she has been crying all this while.

I kissed her forehead lightly and she turned her eyes upwards watching me, her eyes were beaming with tears and were puffy.

I kissed her once again , carrying her like a Momma-Bear wraps her Baby-Bear, into her room.

She sobbed miserably, " sorry Momma-Bear, I...." She started but cried into my chest.

I kissed her forehead and sat myself on her bed with her wrapped in my arms.

"It's ok my Princess. Sleep for awhile, I will wake you up when it's dinner time" I said.

She nodded and I put her to sleep.

I cleaned the mess I made of my room, this afternoon. Prepared the dinner for us.

I was just setting up our plates when Bella came out of her room hugging her Panda.

And that very moment, someone knocked at the door, Bella was closer to it so she opened it, considering I was there beside her.
She was not allowed to open the door yet.

"Hey my baby panda," came the elated voice of Chloe.

"Aunt Chloe, Aunt Chris" , Bella jumped up and down.

"Your Momma, will not be happy, for you to open the door by yourself" Chris said.

I appeared in front of them smiling.

"But Momma-Bear, was here with me" Bella said pouting.

Chloe turned her eyes upwards grinning but her smile vanished instantly when she laid an eye on me. Chris pulled Bella into her arms and stood up, they both were observing my face.

Clieve entered behind them, "Hey my Pretty Ladies"

"Uncle Clieve ", Bella shouted offering herself into his arms.

Clieve pulled her into his arms and kissed her forehead. He then inched his way towards me , his smile too vanished seeing me, but he enveloped me into a side hug and kissed my forehead, anyways. Chris gave him a look and he nodded.

"My Baby Bear  wants to have ice-cream?" He asked.

"Yeah...." She said eeing thereafter.

No sooner had he taken her away when both of best friends enveloped me into a bear hug.

"What's happened, Ari..? Are you ok?" They asked together.

I shook my head lightly, couldn't help myself and cried into my hands.

"Chloe, Chris you both know how Ryan and I parted, ? " I asked after recollecting my self.

"Yeah, he never called after he got the Call from Grand Prix" Chloe said

I shook my head and told them everything about Claire and Tony. How Claire saw me, and Ryan at Clieve's, and how Tony called me then waking up in his room, everything.

Their mouth was agape, "You considered to keep this from us. "

"Yes, because I never knew all this while Ryan have known about it" I said.

"What does that mean?" Chris asked

"I met Ryan" I said.

I told them how Ryan and I met, how he was the new boss and he called me at his penthouse and what he said.

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