SSJ4 Goku x Female Saiyan/Frieza race reader

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Description: After ChiChi leaves Goku for being a SSJ4 it's up to you to help fix his broken heart and help his children deal with the change their mother caused.

No-ones pov

You sighed as Goku laid against a tree and sobbed into his hands. Your heart filled with sadness for Goku and anger for ChiChi "why would she leave her loving husband and amazing kids?!" You thought  angrily.

F/c tail swaying in irritation at the thought of said human. You see your a Icjen and Saiyan hybrid. 

Your mother was of Freiza's  race as for your father an elite Saiyan. And when you first landed on Earth oh boy did the Z fighters want you dead.

But over the years the others have come to love you and you've been there for Gohan after the Cell games. Even threatened to tell Vegeta a Saiyan wasn't training. 

You grinned at the thought he was up and training at the mere threat. You call it good parenting or as Piccolo put it being a badass momma.

Goku's magenta red furred tail laid limp in the ground. As his mane like hair didn't seem as spiky today. You sighed walking over to him and sat beside the Saiyan.

Sighing you brought him into your chest and he sobbed into it. Gently you pet his head and hushed him softly soon his sobs died down to sniffles. You helped him up "Come on let's get you inside your boys are worried"

Walking into the house you saw Gohan and Goten trying to cook but failing. Giggling you sat Goku on the couch and walked into the kitchen "Alright boys I'll get dinner ready you guys go train with your dad it might cheer him up" they nodded.

After a while you set the bowl of ramen onto the table. You stepped back to look at your handy work with a grin "oh boys dinners done!" You called.

Running into the house all three boys sat down and began eating. You rolled your eyes and sat down and began eating your own plate. After dinner Goten burped loudly and Gohan did the same you all laughed.

Goku burped louder and you grinned releasing a house shaking burp. Smirking you patted your stomach "I win~" you giggled at there shocked faces.

Goten grinned "that was awesome mom!" He froze looking down you stood and brought him into your arms "thanks honey" you whispered and he giggled hugging you tightly.


Both boys were now asleep sighing you covered then over with a blanket. Kissing there heads you walked outside and sat next to Goku as he looked at the stars in the sky.

Kissing his cheek he blushed and hugged you tightly. You both stared at the night sky as a feeling of peace washed over you two.

This was peace to a broken Saiyan at last.....

Edited on Wednesday 28th August 2024

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