Vegeta and Bulma x tired daughter reader

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Description: After days of not eating not sleeping while training to reach SSJ to make your father proud you collapse at one of your mothers party's.

Trunks pov

I sighed watching y/n fall to the ground after dad punched her. She gasped for air after it was knocked out of her. Dad stood over her and scoffed "Come on girl! Don't tell me your done!"

Y/n groaned and weakly got up only to stumble I ran over and helped her up. She panted and leaned against me "s sorry d dad" 

She weakly mumbled as said man grunted and left the room "you'll never be a true Saiyan at this rate!"

No-ones pov

You froze at those words and sobbed before falling to your knees. You pushed Trunks away " g go a away!" You said and he sighed leaving not wanting to anger this sister.

You pushed yourself off the ground and started throwing air punches and kicks "I have to prove myself to dad that way he'll be proud of me!" 

You thought and for days on end you trained without food or water and body even sleep.


No-ones pov

Everyone was having a great time at Bulma's house all but Trunks. He was worried for you and wanted to tell mom. But you said you had to do this on your own without her knowing.

Suddenly you slammed through the door panting covered in cuts and bruises. You had large black bags under your eyes.

Everyone's attention was on you taking a deep breath you screamed at the top of your lungs.  

Your flamed h/c hair turned gold and your e/c eyes turned teal. Looking at your parents you grinned weakly "I I did it papa" you fell out of SSJ and collapsed to the ground passed out.

Bulma screamed before running over to you and held your shaken form "y/n! baby please wake up!" She sobbed Trunks held your hand as you whimpered clutching your stomach.

Vegeta picked you and ran inside placing you onto the medical bed. Grabbing a senzu bean he popped it in your mouth.

Whining at the beans taste you ate it and slowly opened your eyes. You stared into your fathers black ones "d dad?" He nodded "why?" You looked away and he growled.

"I just wanted to be strong and make you proud dad" he sighed and held you "y/n I'm hard on you and your brother because I wanted you to defend yourself and never go through what I went through and no matter what" he gently kissed your head.

"I'll always be proud of you my little warrior"....

Edited on Wednesday 28th August 2024

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