It can't be...

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Bill's POV

The sun enveloped my body in its rays, and I slowly blinked my eye open. I rubbed my eye as everything gradually came into focus. With a scan of the room, I realized I was alone on the floor. Oh yeah, last night...Dipper must have already woken up. I sat up and stretched my arms wide, opening my chest to the warm sun.

"Dipper?" I called out. He shouldn't be too far away.

No response. I stood up and looked around to see the same room as last night, but something about it All of the same furniture, and yet ten years of neglect seemed to have vanished from the room. An all too familiar feeling... I walked over to the door and opened it. In my way stood a very confused looking Dipper.

"Wait, am I dreaming about you now?!" He reached forward to touch my face, and I stepped back.

"Dreaming about me? You mean, I'm in your mind?" My jaw dropped, and I was suddenly submerged in a blinding white light. Before I knew it, I was back on the floor again with Dipper in my arms.

"D-dipper...Dipper, wake up." I propped myself up and pushed his hair out of his face. That face. What was I thinking about again? Dipper rolled over to meet my gaze, and my chest thumped loudly.

"What is it...?" He mumbled in a sluggish tone.

"Oh, nothing. You're just cute, that's all." I smiled wide and pecked his cheek with a kiss.

His face turned a light red color, and he turned back over onto his side. "I don't feel very cute. This floor is so uncomfortable." He was embarrassed about something and was trying to hide it, I could tell.

Wait, I know that feeling. I thought back to my first morning and how Mabel's food made me feel better. I know exactly what I need to do...

I picked up Dipper, escorted him to his bed, and tiptoed downstairs to look for Mabel. She was in the living room, giggling about something on tv. "Hey, Bill! You look happy...How's Dipper?" She hushed the tv and stood up to greet me.

"Oh, he's still sleeping. I put him on his bed. Guess we slept on the floor all night. I'm doing fine, but he's not feeling too good. You remember that breakfast you made me my first morning here? Could you help me make it for Dipper?" Her face lit up with excitement, and she grabbed my hand, dragging me to the kitchen.

An explosion of her own energy seemed to erupt from the room. Drawers, cupboards, and machinery came to life with buzzes and beeps. It was as if she was writing a song, and it was magical. She snatched my hand and pulled me towards this rusting stove. "Okay, here's where you come in. I think every guy should know how to cook an egg. Here you go." She handed me a pearly white egg and demonstrated how to crack it into the pan with a second. I followed her example, but it was harder than it looked. She grabbed a spatula to dig out the eggshell that made it into the pan.

A few short minutes later, Mabel grabbed a plate to put all the food on. The egg I cooked looked like a swollen eye on this perfect face she created. She handed me the plate and started to push me upstairs. "Go, he's probably up by now!" I chuckle at her enthusiasm and prance into Dipper's room, my head held high.

"Your breakfast, my good sir!" I bowed and motioned the plate forward. I glanced up at him, and he looked both surprised and pleased to see me.

"Wow, uh...what is this all about?" He sat up and grabbed the plate from my hands. He slid over and motioned for me to sit next to him. I gladly did and stretched my arm around his shoulders.

"Well, you seemed grouchy this morning, the same way I was my first morning here. But the one thing that made me feel better was Mabel's breakfast, so I thought I'd make it for you, too!" I pointed at the egg I made. "That one's mine, the rest Mabel did."

What Is This Feeling? ~ BillDipWhere stories live. Discover now