We Can Get Through This

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Dipper's POV

He's dead... He's actually dead... I stood at the edge of the floating cliffs, looking out over the town. I was tempted to take one more step forward, but I wasn't that crazy. Was I?

"Dipper, there you are. What are you doing up here?" Mabel came up behind me and grabbed my hand. "Are you all right?" Why haven't you told her yet? It's been hours since the phone call, and you haven't told her a word...

I turned to look her in the eyes. It was a mistake, however, because her pleading and curious eyes looked straight back into my soul. I couldn't keep it in, I needed someone to talk to about this. "He's dead. Grunkle Stan is dead. I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but I can barely even think about it, let alone face any of you. Why did he have to die? Why do people have to die? Why couldn't the doctors save him? Was there something I could have done to save him? Will I ever be happy again? What am I supposed to do now? Wh-"

"Dipper, take a deep breath. Sit down in the grass with me, let's think this all out." Mabel gripped my hand and offered the patch of grass next to her. She leaned back and gazed at the brilliant blue sky. "Neither of us is very religious, but I have thought this through already. You remember when you helped Pacifica with that ghost from her party a few years back? That ghost was a real person at one point. Meaning: we have spirits that live on in some way. I'm not saying to go try to summon Grunkle Stan, but he's not gone for good. We can't see him, but he could very well be right here with us, wishing he could give us a big hug. And don't forget, you're not going through this alone. Grunkle Ford and I are here too. We can get through this."

I fell back onto the grass as well and took in her words. I looked up at the miraculously clear sky. It seemed to just stop at one point, like a dome surrounding the Earth. A subtle breeze brushed across my face, and the trees around me seemed to encase me in a comforting shell. The universe was almost hugging me, in a way, telling me that I was going to be okay. Thinking back on Mabel's words, I finally replied, "Thank you. I needed that. Want to help me go tell Ford?"

"In a moment, I think we can stay a little while longer. It's so beautiful up here." And so we did.


The sun kissed the tops of the mountains, and the clouds turned a greyish brown color. I glanced over at Mabel, only to see her peacefully napping with a gentle snore. "Hey, we should head back. It's getting late." I nudged her shoulder, and she swung a lazy hand at my face in protest. We can't stay out here too late, who knows what new horrors lay in the forest? "Mabel, get up. The sun is going down. We're not safe."

"Bah...So...Tired..." She tossed and turned, continuously brushing me off. Finally resting on her stomach, she awoke with a start when a beetle crawled on her nose. "AAH! What is that! Get it off, get it off!" A rustling was heard from behind us as the sun descended further behind the mountains.

"Mabel, shut up. I think I hear something." I slapped my hand in front of her mouth. The rest I said in a hushed whisper, "I'm going to go take a look in the trees over there, watch my back."

I warily stepped forward, careful not to make a sound. Scanning my surroundings, it seemed as though nothing was there. Twigs breaking said otherwise. Whatever was there, knew how to hide. It was smart enough not to leave a mark, except...

One broken twig with a rather large indent surrounding it, one with claws the size of my forearm. It was at least the size of...

"A dinosaur, from the remains in the mining cave," I whispered to Mabel.

"Be careful!" She whispered back.

Another step forward, now coming into the trees, closer to the beast that lies within. A small flock of birds drew my attention for just a moment, but that was all it took. I went flying backward, blood pouring from my cheek. All I saw before everything went black was a flash of green and red rushing toward us. Mabel let out a screech, "Bill! Ford! Someone HELP!"

Everything went black...

Sorry it's so short!! I was kinda rushed...But, next week will be AMAZING, I promise!! Love you all!! :D

What Is This Feeling? ~ BillDipWhere stories live. Discover now