10. {Elton}

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"Bloody hell

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"Bloody hell.... he's amazing." You were practically lost for words from hearing Elton's soft melody from the piano, singing a new song him and Bernie had been working on. He was so lost in it, that he almost didn't see you two standing there, admiring his playing. His talent.

"That he is." Elton turned his head towards you two from Bernie's soft spoken words, singing the beautiful words to Your Song. And his smile just lit up the entire room. It was unlike any moment you had ever witnessed before. You were..... transfixed. He never ceased to amaze you with his talent. He's brilliant and somehow, doesn't see it like you and Bernie do. He has no idea just how amazing he truly is.

"You can tell everybody..... this is your song. It may be quite simply but, now that it's done, I hope you don't mind, I hope you don't mind..... that I put down into words..... how wonderful life is, while you're in the world...."

You and Bernie looked at one another, in complete awe from what you just witnessed.

"What? Was it awful?" Elton's curious but nervous look, had you smiling like mad as you and Bernie sat down next to him, practically hugging the life out of him.

"Are you kidding me Elt?! That was bloody beautiful!" His surprised smile and complete ease from your words, had you three hugging so tightly from the thought of what was about to happen for Elton and Bernie. You couldn't be more excited for them.

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