12. {Robin}

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Hearing that Rob was alive

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Hearing that Rob was alive. You couldn't believe it when you heard those words, muttered as if they meant nothing. But to you? They meant everything. He was your best friend. Your.... everything. So when you were told he had died in battle, you felt as if you had lost everything. You were heartbroken. "I'll come back to you. Don't worry." Rob's words lingered in your mind everyday. And all along, he was right. And maybe this is a sign that he's back. He can help make things right. And as you approached his now abandoned and badly fallen home, you heard him. His voice.

"Rob?!" You ran up the stairs instantly, not even waiting for a response to come back to you. You couldn't wait any longer. And once your eyes finally landed on his handsome as ever face, you broke down. All the tears you've held all these years, just started to pour and pour.

"(Y/N)....?" You threw your arms around him, just as he lifted you off the ground in a twirl, hearing his happy chuckle leave his lips.

"You scared me Rob! I really thought you were dead. Why would they say such a thing...?" He softly pulled back to look you in the eyes, moving a strand of fallen hair from your tear stained face. He was here. Right in front of you. You couldn't believe it.

"That's what I intend on finding out." And you would certainly help, whether he liked it or not.

Taron Egerton ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now