19. {Taron}

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"Wow Egerton, you've really outdone yourself tonight

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"Wow Egerton, you've really outdone yourself tonight." You smiled gently at the handsome man walking in unison with you into this gorgeous restaurant that looked as if it were made for the queen herself. Today marked the end of filming for Rocketman, so it was only fitting to have the best night imaginable with the people that meant the world to you. Taron's hand firmly holding yours, had you practically beaming.

"Well I couldn't very well let my lady down. And may I say just how beautiful you look tonight love." He softly brought your hand to his lips, leaving the softest, yet most intoxicating kiss known to man upon it. Rocketman brought you this incredible man. Your dads brought you this incredible man.

"Hello you two gorgeous things! It's about time you graced us with your presence." You chuckled, softly hugging and kissing Elton and David both, your two incredibly amazing dads. And the night consisted of laughter, amazing food, many stories that would be cherished for years to come while filming Rocketman. And a bond you absolutely loved watching unfold between Taron and your dad. Filling the shoes of Elton John is not an easy task. But it sure is a fun one to be honest. Taron was perfect. Absolutely perfect.

"Okay, smile you two lovebirds!" You made the goofiest face imaginable for the camera, feeling Taron suddenly place his lips on to yours with laughter bursting from the both of you at the sudden gesture.

"That's not fair Taron! You got me with the element of surprise." You stuck your tongue out upon being met with his undeniably handsome smirk, feeling his hand resting softly upon your knee, drawing little circles with his finger.

"Just like me! 1 2 3!" You died laughing from the sudden picture your dad got of him and Taron, feeling so lucky to have this moment to remember.

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