Chapter 12

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Disclaimer: I don't own any thing PJO or HoO related (they go to Uncle Rick), I don't own any of the Marvel stuff (they go to Marvel studios).

Bruce P.O.V.

The new group of demigods and the satyr are all joking and talking with Percy and Annabeth. The group looks like old friends at a reunion.

"So, who's going to snap them back to reality?" Nat asked. The Avengers are standing slightly to the side and definitely out off ear shot. By 'snap them back to reality' Nat obviously means the battle plans.

"I say you sould do it," Tony said pointing at Nat. "You're the most heartless here." To anyone else that would've hurt, but to Nat it's kind of a compliment, if you think about it hard enough.

"Sure, let Nat do it, she doesn't mind trampling over other people's conversations and happiness." Natasha said sarcastically. We all smile at her pitifully. She knows we're all to weak to do it.

Luckily Annabeth saved her from her horrible task.

"Ok, all jokes aside. Time to do what you came here for, battle plans," Annabeth said dreadfully. All the teens' faces turned grim and dark and they all look about twenty years older. Annabeth goes to sit down at the head of the table, Percy is in the seat next to her on her right. The rest of the half-bloods and Grover fills the table. We linger around the corner for a while before Annabeth beckons us closer to sit down. Now that I think about it this is a very big table.

"Firstly, Hazel," Annabeth said in a dark voice looking at the youngest at the table. We all look at the girl with the golden eyes. "Did you do as I asked?"

Hazel nodded grimly, her eyes dark and swirling.

"And, did it work?" Annabeth asked leaning forward with big eyes. All the Avengers leaned forward as well wanting to know what they're talking about.

"Yes..." Hazel said softly, barely audible.

"Good," Annabeth said putting her hands together. What are they talking about. Everybody around the table except Percy, Annabeth and Hazel looks confused.

"Care to share the secret?" Tony broke the heavy silence with his chirpy voice.

"The Stones," Percy said. "Annabeth wanted to know if Hazel can control the Infinity Stones for her plan." The room is completely quiet, scary quiet.

"What you're telling us is that this little girl can control the Infinity Stones?" Steve said not really believing his ears. Most of the teenagers nod.

"Ok," Steve said putting his hands up in defeat. "Please, tell us about your plan." Steve still doesn't look convinced, but the half-bloods don't seem to bother.

"Secondly, Piper, have you seen anything helpful in your dagger?" Annabeth said. 'Seen anything in her dagger'? Oh wait, it's probably another demigod thing. Maybe this Piper girl can see the future or something as a power? No wait her godly parent is Aphrodite, goddess of love.

"Mainly, the same things as Percy saw in his dream," Piper said. "The date, where, and that the monsters have joined forces with Thanos." she paused for a moment before continuing. "I also saw fire, lots of it." The demigods including Grover's eyes lit up.

"Is it... ?" Hazel asked.

"Could be I don't know." Piper replied.

"Who, or what are you talking about?" Clint voiced our confusion.

"Leo," Jason said sadly.

"The guy we told you about not too long ago," Percy said. Oh yes, Leo was the boy who could make flames appear at his will. He was lost in a explosion and presumed dead when they didn't find a body. The table is silent for a very long time.

"We should get on," the girl with the armour, Reyna I think, said.

"Yeah, yeah," Annabeth said absentmindedly. "So in Percy's dream he saw that most of the troops would be ground troops. Except for some of the monsters. So an aerial attack would be best."

"Talking about the monsters and greek things. We still can't see through the, what'd you call it? The mist, right. So can anyone fix that or should we just fight blindly?" I said.

"Oh, right, Hazel would you mind?" Annabeth said. Hazel nodded and got up. She walked towards Steve who sat closest to her. She touched his forehead head with her middle and index finger, while muttering something under her breath. As soon as she was done Steve looked like he could see for the very first time in his life. Hazel moves on to Nat and reaches towards her head. Nat being Nat pulled away.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you," she said in a calm soothing voice. At Hazel's words Nat relaxed a bit but still not completely. Hazel completed the same action as she did to Steve and continued around the room.

Once she did it to me I felt different. To begin with I saw bows, arrows, daggers and swords casually lying on the table. I mistaked them for plates or forks or butter knives before. Wow, the mist really does change your outlook. The whole world seems about twice as bright and colourful as before.

"What the fu-" Tony said as soon as Hazel completed the action on him.

"Language," Steve and Hazel said in unison. This caused laughs all around the table. Steve and Hazel looked at each other and smiled. Apparently she also comes from the same time as Steve. Guess it's a thing from that time then.

"Now that that is out of the way," Annabeth said with a smile on her face. "You need special weapons. I have the Hephaestus cabin working on arrows, daggers and guns for you. Monsters can only be killed with specific metals such as Celestial Bronze, Imperial Gold, Stygian Iron, Vibranium and a few other metals."

"What? I haven't heard if any of those metals except Vibranium," Tony said confused and eager to either prove someone wrong or to learn, I can't tell.

"Only demigods use those metals. The Vibranium in Steve's shield was given to him from a demigod as well." Nico said almost bored.

"Oh, so that's where it came from," Steve said looking at his shield lying on the couch. We really shouldn't leave our weapons out in the open like this. It's a safety hazard.

"Moving on," Percy said looking at Annabeth intently.

"We also need your help Tony," Annabeth said looking at Tony.

"What do you need help with?" Tony asked feeling 'special'.

"We need you and maybe some of the people from Wakanda, the futuristic city in Africa," Annabeth quickly reminded the demigods and Grover, "to build some sort of a device for the soldiers to fly on, a ground attack would be fatal for them."

"Sure, I can get working on that once we arrive there," Tony said nodding his head slowly, already thinking of an idea.

"Good, we'll head to Wakanda as soon as possible. Probaly in the next two days or so," Annabeth said mostly to herself before continuing. "We'll build a wall in front of the city once we get there and line the wall with spikes of Celestial Bronze and Imperial Gold. Around the wall the cyclops army will hold ground and in front of them there will be a line of Greek Fire. Beforehand we'll also have to set up traps on the future battle field. The rest of our troops will be attacking in groups of about twenty from the sky, taking out all the aerial threats first. On the wall all our archers and some soldiers will be shooting down any monsters or killing those who manage to get over the wall. Behind the wall we will set up an infirmary. And then," Annabeth's eyes meet Hazel's golden ones "Hazel will be leading a secret underground stealth group to destroy Thanos and the stones he already has." We all sit there in silence taking in the plan.

Sounds like a pretty good plan. I'm not completely sure how it works, but they probably have it all figured out with their demigodly voodoo magic. Or something at least?

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