Chapter 21

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything PJO/HoO related (they go to Uncle Rick), neither do I own anything from the MCU (go to Marvel studios).

Tony Stark P.O.V.

10 October

One more day, then the possible blood shed will start. We can already see Thanos's army lining up with their commanders shouting orders.

They arrived here on the fifth of October and have been setting up camp and what not ever since.

I don't understand why we can't just go and plant a bom there right now? Then we kill all our troubles at the roots. But no! Annabeth said that wouldn't be logical!? She said that Thanos wouldn't come here if he knew we were bombing his troops. Then he would just get more troops and attack us when we're not expecting it and we would lose. Everyone else sided with her and I got outvoted. But hey, I still got some bombs that I can fire from my suit.

Annabeth knew about those bombs as well. She disabled them. I feel like a toddler, everything I want to play with or touch is being child proofed.

But I must agree Annabeth is really smart, maybe smarter than me and it really hurts my pride by saying that. She's a great person along with the other half-bloods, most of them atleast. A whole lot of them are grumpy and annoying. Or I'm just sleep deprived?

Everything is ready for the battle. We are holding our last meeting in an hour's time. By we I mean all the squad leaders are gonna sit there, get a final briefing and a merry little speech from our leaders. I guess our leaders consists of the half-blood leaders who seem to be Percy, Annabeth, Frank, Reyna and Jason. (Auther's note: the rest of the half-bloods like the seven and others are also very important I just personally feel that the two praetors Frank and Reyna (Jason is an ex-praetor so I'm still gonna keep him there) and I feel that from Camp Half-Blood Percy and Annabeth are kinda seen as the leaders so why not?)  And then from the 'mortals', as the demigods call us, our leaders would probably be seen as the Wakanda leaders and generals and some of the Avengers. Cap is seen as a leader amongst us. I like to think of myself as one as well but I think I might be the only one who thinks that.

Well would you look at the time, it's 1:30 pm. The meeting started at 1 o'clock, oops. That's probably why they don't think of me as a leader, 'cause I'm always late.

I burst through the doors and T'Challa is addressing the crowd of squad leaders infront of him. We lock eyes for a moment and a few heads turn towards me. T'Challa looks at me disappointedly and continues his speech. I sit down at the back of the hall.

"And we are grateful for your sacrifices," T'Challa continues in his heavy African accent. A group of demigods start cheering, clearly they're tired of the speech and want some action. I've leant that the demigods are in two groups. The Greeks and the Romans. The Greeks I like to view as myself in some way. They are fun loving, action seeking loveable goofballs. They're the ones who just started cheering. Then the Romans I like to view as Steve. They're kind of uptight, soldiers born and bred and very honorable.

The Greeks' cheers are so contagious that later the whole room is cheering, some more reluctant than others. T'Challa looks slightly annoyed but he is also laughing at the noise the Greeks started.

Then T'Challa leans over to Percy and wispers something to him. I obviously couldn't hear anything. I suspect is was something like this:

T'Challa: "How do you get them under control? Is this a normal thing for you?"

Percy: nods head enthusiastically and puts up a finger, "Give me a moment."

Percy then got up those of the Greeks and Romans who saw him getting up started quieting down. Wow he's got a nice reputation if his presence can quite them down even slightly. Then Percy puts his fingers to his mouth and let's out the loudest  New Yorker taxi cab whistle I've ever heard. The room is quite and look at him expectantly. He gets a goofy grin and yells,"Before we go kick some butt and party, I think T'Challa has something to say."

He waves at T'Challa calling him to stand next to him. Then Percy wispers something to T'Challa. It looks like and I expect it to be "Keep it short." Then Percy goes to sit down next to Annabeth again.

T'Challa said a few more words, I didn't pay attention at all. Then Reyna came to the front.

"BRAVE SOLDIERS!" her strong voice travels loudly across the room and us 'mortals' looked at her supprised. Like this girl is only what? Sixteen? Seventeen? But still she is so stong and authoritative."WE HAVE ALL SEEN WAR! WE HAVE ALL SEEN MISERY AND DEATH. Some more than others," she added the last part a bit softer than the rest. The half-bloods all look at her sadly and understandingly. Although, I'm not sure everyone in this room has really experienced war? But most have, from the stories I've heard, the demigods more than others. "BUT YET AGAIN, WE STAND HERE! WE STAND TOGETHER TO SAVE THE WORLD! SO WHEN YOU GO ONTO THAT BATTLE FIELD, REMEMBER: WE ARE STRONGER TOGETHER,  BETTER TOGETHER AND WE ARE IN FAMILIAR WATERS! REMEMBER THAT THERE WILL BE LOSS, BUT THERE WILL ALSO BE VICTORY! EXERCITUS OMNINO VICTORES DISCEDERENT! (in latin: until victory we shall fight) Ok, fine that was a pretty powerful speach.

The Roman demigods repeated her last words, which are in Latin I assume. Some of the mortals join in and the Greek demigods repeat her words in what I assume is Greek.


The crowd breaks into cheers and whoops and a lot of noise. I should proably take a nap before joining them and then the battle after that, but when have I ever listened to anyone, even myself?

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