Chapter 30

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything PJO/HoO related (that goes to Uncle Rick), neither do I own anything from the MCU (that goes to Marvel Studios)

Clint Barton P.O.V.

We're back on the battlefield, finally. I thought Tony was going to talk my ears of and that Steve was going to die of an overflow of nerves.

I got about five hours' sleep before I was called out to continue fighting. Since I'm an archer I stand on the wall and shoot anything I can see.


My arrow flies through the air for less than a second, before it hits the eye of a enemy cyclops and exploded into a ball of Greek Fire.

The fighting is rough and gruesome. Here and there, through all the smoke form Greek Fire bombs and monster dust, you can see a few decapitated bodies or other corpes killed in interesting ways. I still can't believe that about half of them are kids.




I shoot arrow after arrow after arrow, it becomes kind of a rhythm: take an arrow out of my quiver, aim, release, repeat.

I'm in the front row of archers that line the entire wall. The front row of archers are the sharp shooters and the second row (the back row) are the ordinary leveled shooters. They shoot in a kind of loop over our heads with special bomb arrows. The bomb arrows is the reason for the small craters all over the battle field.

We have about ten arrow runners who run along the lines of arches and fill their quivers with new arrows where needed. This way you never need to go looking for more arrows, nice hey?

What feels like 2 hours passes untill my rhythm of get an arrow, aim, release, repeat is broken. There were some yells about ten archers away from me. And then I saw what had happened. What I'm guessing is a titan (who was suspiciously made out of flames) must have broken through the lines of cyclops and Greek Fire, it's on its way over the wall.

I can hear demigods cursing along with those who did their homework on what Greek myths we might be faceing.

Sh*t, this is gonna be good. Good in a fun way not an actually good way. From what I've heard Percy is the Titains Buster, along with Annabeth. But they haven't returned to the base since the battle first started, that was yesterday. No one knows what happened to them. The last thing we know is they chased after Kronos, he's apparently the leader of the titains. All the demigods say that Percy and Annabeth wouldn't stay away from the battle by choice.

A lot of the Avengers and some demigods attack on the assumed fiery titain who made it through our lines. I snatched a mechanical pegasus thing from an angry looking, gruff Wakanda soldier and flew off to help.

Cap was shouting orders left and right to anyone who would listen. So practically most people except Stark.

"Soldiers, protect the base!" Steve yelled and a mixture of demigods, Avengers and Wakanda soldiers about twenty in total listened. While the rest that were continuing to fight off stray monsters taking the chaos as a gap to get through the literal gap.  So to conclude we seem to have more than enough helpers and to have the situation under control right? Hope so at least.

"How can I help, Cap?" I asked Steve.

"Shoot him with whatever you've got," he replied as I flew past. "Even if you're just annoying or distracting him." I nod my head and dive in to shoot the fiery figure.

Let's repeat that: "and dive in to shoot the fiery figure." I did it right didn't I? The arrow flew and my aim was perfect? Well then where is the arrow?!

Oh sh*t, I see now that his body practically inhaled the arrow and spat it out again.

I'm gonna post another chapter tonight! So don't worry, it's not too much of a slight pathetic cliffhanger.

Enjoy life and breath enough oxygen or something?


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