Chapter 33

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything PJO/HoO related (that goes to Uncle Rick), neither do I own anything from the MCU (that goes to Marvel Studios)

Annabeth P.O.V.

While fighting Kronos with Percy I kept trying to think of a plan to kill Kronos.

A few ideas went through my head like:

We need to turn the acid on Kronos's thick skin against him. But how would we do that? I can't ask Percy to use his powers to control the acid. It almost broke him last time.

We can't touch his new host, so any combat moves we always used in the past won't work here either.

We'll have to do the job from inside his body. But how? Kronos's new host body has a flaw. He is very big and his mouth is almost always very widely open. I always carry a extra Celestial Bronze dagger with me. One of us will have to throw it down Kronos's throat.

I like that dagger, but I'm willing to chuck it down Kronos's throat for survival.

Percy just engulfed Kronos into one of his mini hurricanes. I'll have to explain very quickly.

"I'll throw it down his throat, give me the dagger," Percy said over the curses Kronos is shouting at us and the roar of water.

"No, I'll do it," I'm not letting him risk his life for me again, I want to do this. Percy looked like he was about to argue, but I gave him a stare that made him swallow his words. "So you're going to distract him now."

Percy nodded his head grimly and said," Annabeth, wait." He kissed me. He kissed me with the same force and compassion that he kissed me with under the Acropolis, before Gaia awoke. The kiss ended and my heart melted. "I love you and good luck," he said, the concern evident in his eyes.

"Love you too, Seaweed Brain," I said with a reassuring smile.

And then Percy released Kronos. Kronos looked annoyed and just about ready to kill us.

Percy started his distraction, making bees out of water and letting them attack Kronos. It seemed to be working, Kronos was very distressed and his mouth was wide open.

Now's my chance. I run in and push my left hand with the dagger as far down his throat as I can. My eyes watering with the pain of making contact with his poisonous skin. A yell might have escaped my mouth as I yanked my arm back and stumbled a few paces.

A cold sensation overtook me, unlike the one I get when Kronos stops time, a friendly feeling. I fall backwards. Everything is in slow motion. Kronos, he's alive, my plan must have failed. Percy, he's screaming and tears are running down his face, I wonder why? My arm doesn't hurt anymore. I can't hear anything. And then finally I make contact with the ground, everything turns black.

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