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i know this gif isn't from this scene i just wanted an excuse to use it

the waves gently rocked kie and john b's surfboards as they blissfully stared off into the boundless ocean. "hey," kie turned to face him, "do you remember... when you kissed me?"

john b felt himself freeze at the memory of her lips. they'd been soft, softer than he'd imagined they'd be, and melted perfectly into his. if not for the fact he'd been having a mini panic attack at the time, he'd probably rank it in the top three kisses he'd ever had. "yeah," he cringed as his voice cracked, "yeah, i remember."

kie nodded, turning back to look into the horizon. "did you tell jj?"

john b blushed. he shouldn't have been surprised that kie asked that, she knew that he and jj typically told each other everything, and this time was no exception. "i had to. i mean, pogues don't lie to other pogues, right?"

kie inwardly winced at the mention of this. she'd been lying to john b when she said she wanted to just be friends. she lied when she said the kiss didn't mean anything, that they were just caught up in the moment, at least, she hadn't been. she'd found herself crushing on the boy for a while now, and the kiss did nothing but spur these feelings further.

"and, plus," john b continued, "jj just laughed at me because you shut me down, so-" kie cut him off.

"i didn't shoot you down," that was a half-truth. she had, in fact, shot him down, but she hadn't wanted to. "i mean, it was just really bad timing. you were freaking out right?" lie, again. kie was internally pleading for him to deny it, tell her that he wasn't just freaking out and he had wanted to kiss her.

"yeah. yeah, no, i was freaking out," john b lied straight through his teeth, "i was freaking out." though he had been freaking out, he had wanted to kiss her. every fiber of his being was telling him to take it back, but it was too late, the words were out.

kie felt her heart drop to the pit of her stomach and she did her best to keep a look of indifference painted on her features.

"why do you ask?"

"just wondering."

at that exact moment, pope and jj bounded through the water towards them.

"save some waves for us!" the two yelled as they paddled towards the pair.

"hey, have you guys seen han anywhere?" jj asked as he sat up on his board once he made it to the two. john b shook his head.

"surprised you don't know, lover boy, " kie teased. "she dropped by earlier and asked me to tell you guys not to wait up for her today. some kook invited her to his place and she said she was gonna go check it out."

jj felt as if someone had just knocked the wind out of him. she'd ditched them to go hang out with some kook? his fists clenched as he imagined her with some preppy jackass, in his room, making her laugh when it should be him making her laugh. the rest of the pogues didn't seem to notice the boy's out-of-character silence, or they just chose not to acknowledge it, joking and surfing around, leaving the blonde boy to picture the girl who wasn't his be with someone who he'd never be.


the next morning, jj was awakened by faint giggles outside of the chateau. "hey, pogie!" jj blinked his eyes open to see hannah running her fingers through pogie's fur and laughing as he jumped up to try to lick her face.

"nice of you to finally show yourself," jj mumbled stiffly as hannah entered the house.

hannah shot the boy a questioning look. "who pissed in your cereal?" she peeled off her shirt and dumped it with her bag on the table, revealing a neon orange bikini and multiple hickies across her chest.

jj felt his jaw clench. "sorry i'm upset that you're ditching us to whore around with some kook. what happened to bros before hoes, huh?"

"is that what this is about?" hannah gaped incredulously, going over to jump on the pullout bed the blonde was occupying, a grunt escaping his lips. "jay," hannah stated firmly, pushing the side of her face into the mattress, so they were staring into each other's eyes. jj sneered at her and rolled to the other side. taking advantage of his vulnerable position, hannah swiftly moved to straddle the boy's hips and pinned his hands above his head. jj huffed before looking up at the girl who was grinning widely. "you're cute when you're jealous."

"i'm not jealous."

"mhm," hannah hummed, not believing him. "well, mr. jealous," hannah rolled her hips knowingly, drawing a small moan from the blonde's lips. hannah smirked, intentionally wriggling herself a bit as she got up and walked over to her bag. "i'm sure you'll be happy to know that his dick was smaller than my pinky finger," jj attempted to hide his smile, "and i came back bearing gifts," she said, throwing him a new pair of ray bans. "lemme just say, his shit almost makes up for how bad the sex was. almost."

jj gaped. "holy shit, these are like $150 at least." hannah nodded, giving him a sly smirk. "fine. you're partially forgiven."

"i'm sure you'll rethink that when you see your second present," hannah grinned, rustling through the bag.

jj laughed. "you're like the slutty version of santa."

"i bring new meaning to the phrase, 'hoe, hoe, hoe,'" hannah joked as she placed a large bottle of alcohol onto the table. "saw some expensive looking scotch, definitely been aging for a while, and i thought of you."

jj's eyes widened as he shot up from bed, going to examine the bottle. "oh my god," jj turned back to hannah, "babydoll, i think i'm in love with you. you're 100 percent forgiven." he threw his arms around her.

"wow, so you got jj stuff, but not me?" john b half-joked from the door frame.

hannah giggled, removing herself from jj's arms, causing him to pout. "of course i did, johnny b. for myself, i got this new bikini from his sister's bathroom, which i think it looks kinda fire on me," she spun around to show the boys before reaching into her bag to pull out a few bills and a hawaiian shirt. "i figured this was something you'd wear, and here's some extra cash so you aren't eating expired food like mold-breath over here," hannah jutted her thumb towards jj.

"that was one time!"

john b laughed, throwing his arms around the brunette and the blonde, pulling them in for an embrace. "welp," john b clapped his hands together, "enough of this sentimental garbage," john b said, breaking the hug, "we've got a royal merchant to find."

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