Chapter 14

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I had told myself I wouldn't judge Troy...

I lied.

"I lied" I cried into Lila's shoulder.

I told her everything.

About the fight.

About Troy's gang.

About everything.

"I'm a lying whore!" I cried.

"You've only ever slept with one guy" Lila said.

True....but I did sleep with Troy before Tyler and I broke up.

"I'm still a whore" I cried.

I cheated on Tyler.

I was a cheater.

I lied about judging Troy.

I was a liar.

And I felt terrible.

"Lila, I'm a terrible person! I'm a cheating liar!" I cried out.

I could feel the mascara and eyeliner running down my face

"I know what you need" she said hopping off her feet.

We where at her house.

Yea we should have been in class but I wasn't going to have this meltdown in front of the whole school.

"I need Troy" I pouted.

"Come on" she whined.

I couldn't.

I was snuggled so deep into the couch that I could probably be mistaken for the leather itself.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Out" she said prying me off the couch.

She dragged me to the bathroom to fix my makeup and then dragged me out to her car

"Where are we going?" I asked again.

"You'll see" she smirked and we drove off.


"Lila, no" I said.

She was taking me to Troy's house.

"Lila no! Turn this fucking car around right now" I was going to lose it.

I can't talk to Troy.

I just had a huge fight with him.

"Don't be a pussy" she said getting out.

She came around to the passenger side and snatched me out of the seat.

"Now, go talk to him" she told me.

"Lila, I can't, please don't make me" I pleaded.

"Kayla, honey, you need to straighten out all your shit, you love this guy and he loves you" she said looking into my eyes.

I can't talk to him.

Not now at least.

It's too soon.

"Now, go" she shoved me towards the door and before I could stop her she pressed the door bell.

"Kay-" was all Troy got out before Lila shove me into his chest.

"Okay listen up, you are going to yelling or screaming or crying, okay? Talking" Lila said before shoving me the rest of the way into Troy's house and shutting the door.

There was awkward silence.

"I just wanted to tell you" and "listen I want you to know" where jumbled together when we both started to talk at the same time.

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