Chapter 12

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I woke late in the night to tapping on my window.

"Troy?" I opened my window as I blinked the sleep from my eyes.

"Shhhhh" he hissed at me and climbed in.

"What ....are you doing here?" I had to pause for a yawn.

"I came to see you" he said.

"Okay?" I said practically still asleep.

"I also thought it would be more bad ass" he smirked.

I smiled.

"So how's this all gonna go down? Like a Romeo and Juliet thing?" Troy asked.

"You know they kill themselves" I said.

"Then no, not Romeo and Juliet" he quickly replied.

"I seriously don't even have a brain right now, I'm that tired" I yawned again.

I laid down and he laid next to me.

"I love you" he kissed the top of my head.

"I love you too" I told him, snuggling even closer.


"Morning" Troy kissed my forehead.

"Morning" i sleepily replied.

I sat up and turned off my alarm.

"I'll be back, you get ready" Troy said going to the window.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"Home to change and then I'll come back with coffee to take you to school" he explained already half way out the window.

"Okay" I said stretching.

"Love you" he said.

"Love you too" I answered.

He disappeared from the widow so I started getting ready for school.

I was only in my bra and underwear when he peaked back in the window.

"Looking hawt" he said startling me.

When my mini panic attack was over I went over to the window and slapped him with my shirt.

"You peeping Tom" I laughed at him.

"You should close the curtain then" he said.

"Nothing you haven't already seen" I laughed at him.

"But seriously, you should have shut the curtain, you don't want any creeps looking at your super hot body" he said.

"I'll let the creeps look, so long as they pay me" I jokingly said, standing straight and puffing out my breasts.

"I didn't know you where that kind of girl" he laughed and poked my sides.

"Nooooo" I laughed.

"I guess I'll just have to pay you with coffee" he said.

"Okay I guess, now go, I have to change" I said.

"I can't leave without a kiss, my fair lady" he said in an old english accent.

I went over to the window and acted like I was going to give him a kiss.

Instead I shut the window in his face.

"Hey!" his muffled voice wined from the other side.

I laughed at him and walked towards my closet.

"Oh yea, I forgot" I laughed.

I walked back to the window.

His face looked like he expected me to open the window, instead I gave him a smirk and closed the curtain.

He let out a massive groan and I heard him climb down and then go get in his car.

I laughed again and continued to get ready.


I heard the knock on the door but to my dismay dad got there first.

Troy was back just like he said

"Is kayla here?" I heard Troy ask even though he knew I was.

"Kayla!" Dad yelled.

I happily bounded to the door with my back pack and everything ready to go.

Troy was looking gorgeous!

"I'll see you later daddy" I kissed his cheek and bounded out the door.

I could tell he was angry but I didn't care.

We walked to Troy's car and headed off to school.

"So your dad gets a kiss today but I don't?" Troy acted hurt.

"Of course, he's not a peeping Tom" I laughed giving Troy a kiss on his cheek.

"Just drink your coffee" he said.

I sat the rest of the way in silence.

Troy was casually stealing looks in my direction and I was to him.

"You're beautiful" he told me rubbing my thigh.

"I know" I said in a preppy voice and flipped my hair.

He only laughed as he pulled into the school parking lot.

"I love you" I said and kissed him before we got out.

"Love you too" he said.

We grabbed out backpacks and headed to class.

"Troy?" I asked him.

"Yea" he asked.

"What did you go to jail for?" I asked.

I don't know why I asked, I just did, it's just came out.

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