Chapter 4

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I woke up the next morning.

Three missed calls!

Two from Tyler and one from Troy.

Strange, I don't remember having Troys number....

I checked my voice mail.

Tyler wondered why I hadn't called and stuff.

His second message was practically the same as the first.

I was anxious to hear what Troy had to say.

"Hey, it's Troy, I put my number in your phone yesterday when you were asleep on the couch. Anyway, I don't exactly know what's going in between us. I know you're dating Tyler and all that, but I don't know, I fell like we could actually have something........ I seriously don't know why I just said that....but um.....yea.....that's all" There was a click that indicated the massage was over.

I deleted the message, I didn't want any one else to hear it

Then I called Tyler.

I was nervous about calling him......

Should we break up? No, I love him! Do I actually love him? Or do I love Troy?

I was at war with myself.

I told Tyler that I had fallen asleep before I could call him.

He told me that he understood and that he was glad I was okay.

We talked for a few minutes more before we hung up.

What now Kayla? You just lied to your boyfriend! Make up your mind! Either him or Troy!

I didn't want to leave Tyler for Troy because Tyler was good to me, while Troy on the other hand was notorious for being the school bad boy.

I settled upon calling Lila, I could trust her not to tell Tyler and I knew she could give me some good advice.

"Heyyyyy, what's up?" She answered her phone.

"I'm having guy troubles" I told her.

"Ooooo what did Tyler do?" She asked.

"It's not him" I mumbled

"Then who is it?" She asked.

"It's Troy" I replied.

"What! Troy Gilbert!" she exclaimed louder than she should have

"Yea" I said.

"What's the problem?" She asked.

"Well....I think I have a crush on him" I said practically in a whisper.

"What!" She yelled.

"It's crazy I know" I said.

It was crazy.

"How'd it start?" She demanded.

"He squeezed my knee at dinner" I told her.

She screamed what again.

"Yea, I told you it was crazy" I said

"You two went to dinner?" She asked

"Well no, not technically, his dad is my dad's boss, so it was a work related dinner" I explained

"And that's it?" She asked.

"Well no, after dinner my dad and his parents went to the bar so Troy and I where left alone" I said.

"What! You where alone with Troy Gilbert!" She screeched.

"We didn't do anything......really" I mumbled.

"Define anything" she said.

"Well, we kinda made out on the living room couch" I said, hesitantly.

"WHAT!!!!" She screamed.

"Shhhhh" I yelled at her.

"Okay, listen, I have to go, but I'll talk to you more at school" she said.

I agreed and we both hung up.

I wanted to scream inside!!!

I can't be falling for Troy!

Everything was going fine with Tyler.

"Hey;)" I got a text from Tyler.

"Hey:)" I replied.

"Wanna go to another party tonight?" He asked.

"Sure" I answered.

"K, I can get you at 7" he told me.

"Alright:)" I said.

I waited until 6:00 to get ready.

I put on my light green top and pink shorts.

I also took my bikini in case I wanted to change

"Dad" I said walking into his office.

"Yes pumpkin?" He asked looking away from his computer.

"Can I go to a party with Lila?" I asked.

"Sure" he smiled.

"Thanks daddy" I smiled.

Tyler came and picked me up at 7 and we went to the beach.

"I'm gonna go get a drink" Tyler said.

I don't know what came over me but I said.

"Bring me one too" I said.

I never drank before in my life but now I wanted to forget my crush in Troy.

Tyler looked startled but he soon came back with the drinks.

And that's the last thing I remember

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