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Sorry I didn't update last week

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Sorry I didn't update last week. I was taking the break off because it was my birthday and a bunch of other family members birthdays too. But here is the new update I hope you like it. Alright back to our regular program.

A little after Carl and Hannah started dating.

It was one in the morning. The room was dark and a little cold from the window being open. It was October so it was starting to get colder by each night. The window shouldn't have been open but Carl and Hannah shouldn't have smoked a joint together before bed. That was only an hour ago. The only noise was the soft snores of Liam who laid fast asleep in his bed. Hannah and Carl were cuddled up against each other on Carl's loft. Carl's arm over Hannah's waist and Hannah's back against his chest. Neither of them were asleep. They were both riding out the high they just got. Hannah was already over it but Carl was still holding on to every drop he had left. Hannah rolled over to face Carl and Carl opened his eyes. He hummed as Hannah ran her fingers through his hair. They weren't like this a lot because both of them were to tough for cuddles but sometimes it just felt nice. Carl moved his head into the crook of Hannah's neck and they both wrapped their arms around each other. Carl rubbed up and down Hannah's back softly while Hannah's hands stayed in his hair. Something was off with Hannah and Carl could tell. "What's wrong?" He mumbled.

"Nothing." Hannah shot back too fast. Carl didn't say anything else and went back to enjoying the soft touch of his girlfriend. Carl moved his hand down from Hannah's back to the back of her thigh. Hannah pulled her legs closer to her. Carl smiled and kept moving his hand back and forth thinking Hannah liked it. But that was the opposite of what was happening. Hannah wanted his hand off just as fast as it got there. Right before she could move away from his grasp Carl ran his finger down what he thought was a really long cut. Hannah scrunched her face together as she noticed that he found what she was trying to hide. He ran his finger up and down it once more making sure it was there and not just something he thought he felt.

"Hannah?" He asked as he pulled away from her. "What's that?" His voice was soft.

"Its a scar." She didn't want to say anymore in fear that it would bring up memories she wished weren't memories.

"How did you get it?" That was defiantly not what Hannah wanted to happen. She didn't want to talk about the abuse that happened to her while growing up. Ian was the only person that wasn't her family that she talked about it with. She knew that almost the whole South Side knew the Milkovich kids were abused but everyone was smart enough to keep their mouths shut.

"I got it when I was younger." She didn't look into Carl's eyes when she talked. Carl thought he knew every inch of Hannah's body. They've only been dating for two months but a lot of fun happened in those two months.

"Hey, you can tell me. It's not like I got other people to tell." Carl said as he pushed Hannah's hair away from her face. She finally met his eyes and by the look in her eyes, he could tell she trusted him enough not to tell anyone.

"I don't really remember what happened. A lot of it happened fast and you really had no time to see where you were hurt or if you were even hurt. I think he pushed me in the kitchen and I fell on something sharp. It happened the summer before freshmen year of high school. When I went to see how bad it was I could only see a little of it and I was beaten up too bad to really look. I waited for Mickey to get home." Hannah confessed. She didn't have to say what was exactly going on or who was doing it because Carl knew. He wished she would tell him more so he could really know who Hannah was and the type of stuff she's been through.

"What happened when Mickey got home?"

"It was always worst when Mickey wasn't home so I don't think he was too surprised to find me on the bathroom floor in a pool of my own blood. He sure was pissed but he could never really do anything but help clean me up. I told him what happened and he looked at my cuts and bruises. That one was the worst. We tried to put a band-aid over it for the night. But halfway through the night, it was bleeding again. I woke Mickey up and we snuck out to go to the hospital. Got like 4 stitches. Now it's just that scar." Carl nodded his head taking in what Hannah said. His childhood was bad but he never had to sneak out in the middle of the night to get to a hospital.

"I'm sorry." Was what he said before he regretted it.

"The fuck are you sorry for? It's not like you could do anything about it." That was the thing Hannah hated the most when she told people. They always gave her sympathy. She didn't need their sympathy.

"I know. Now let's go to sleep." Carl kissed her forehead before her lips. Hannah's lips lingered on his for a few extra seconds, telling him not to take what she said personally. They both moved back into the position they were before. Hannah's back to Carl's chest and Carl's arm over Hannah's waist.

"It's fucking cold." Carl broke the new silence.

"You should have closed the window."

"I know shut up."

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