Part 7 ~El~ 1/2

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⚠️WARNING this may contain⚠️



Suicide thoughts

Suicide attempts



If you can't handle any of those topics this fanfic isn't for you

This is a fanfic is not canon! I made this cause I like the Radiodust ship. You could say this is in a alternative universe a.k.a AU. If there is any bad spelling or grammar it's because English isn't my first language. Now enjoy!

{Alastors POV}

I was really shaken up about the incident last night but I tried to keep a big smile as I sat down at the table to eat breakfast. "Oh hi al, did you hear?" Charlie said in a weird tone. "Hear about what, darling?" Now I was interested. "Well there is a new overlord. I think her name was El. She came from nowhere and took down everyone in her way. I think she's still on a rampage." "Well, I think I like this fine woman." I said exited. "The thing is, people have speculated and they have assumed her age to be around 13, 14 years old." "My my, I think I'm going to have a talk with her." "Your not gonna hurt her are you!?" Charlie said woried. "No ofcourse not, but I will stop her from killing more people."

As I was done with my breakfast I stood up and walked through the door. "I will see you later, please take care of Angel for me." I said as I closed the door. Now let me see where this 'El' could be. Well lets start over there I thought to myself as I saw a big black cloud and fire at the other side of the city.

I quickly teleported there and found what I was looking for. A wolfdemon in about her teens was attacking people here and there. She had short brown hair with big fluffy wolf ears and a tail. I noticed that she had one blue and one red eye. Her red eye had I big clawmark over it, it looked like a scar. "Ehem, if you could please stop doing that and come over here." I said as I saw her eyes widen like I had expected. But they where not widening in fear, they where widening in excitement.

"The name's Alastor. A pleasure to meet you, quite a pleasure. I'm sorry for interrupting your murdering spree but I can't have a child going around on a rampage right now." I said as she came up to me. "I'm not a fucking child, I'm a teen. Aren't you the Radio demon. In that case, I'm quite a fan of yours." My ears flinched at the sound of the swearword. "Don't swear dear, it's not a good language" "I can do whatever I want, and if you want me to stop killing people you could at least give me a place to stay."
"Well I was about to give you the offer, dear. I wondered if you wanted to stay at the fine establishment that I'm working at for the moment. It's called the Happy hotel." I said amused by her stubbornness. She was wery much like Husk without the drinking part. "Why not, where is it?" She asked as she grabbed my hand. I flinched away at the touch and looked at her irratated. She just looked amused by my reaction. "Don't like to be touched ey?" I kept silent for a while before I started walking.

"So, your name is El if I'm correct?"
"Yeah" she said grumpy
"So, tell me about yourself."
"Well I'm 5 foot 3, 13 years old and I don't give fuck."
"Why were you killing people?"
"Some guy pissed me off and after that I just saw red."

"Well I'm glad you wanted to share that too me, do you want to tell me some more? Maybe how you died or why you have that scar."

⚠️WARNING suicide⚠️

"Those are very personal questions, but ok. Well, when I was 2 I got attacked by a wolf while me and my family was in the woods. It gave me this scar. And for the other question. I committed suicide. The scar made everyone hate me and soon enough I started to get bullied. Personally, I didn't care about the bullying but the scar made made me feel ugly so I hang myself.

⚠️WARNING over⚠️

In no time we was at the door to the hotel.
"Hi everyone!" I said as I walked into the lobby. Most of them where gone but Charlie and Angel! where sitting there. "Who us she?" Angel asked as he saw El. "Well this is El, she will be staying here from now on." I said happy to se Angel. I walked up to him and gave him a kiss before showing El to her room.

"So Is El your real name or do you just call yourself that?"
"It isn't my real name, I just call myself El. I don't want anybody to know my real name." She said as we had arrived at her room.

"Well this isn't half bad." She said as she saw the room. Let me just fix it up a little bit I said and snapped my fingers. The walls turned light turquoise, the bed turned black and turquoise. In fact, the whole room was black, white and turquoise with hint of gold here and there. "Wow! I love it!" She said as she ran in and threw herself on the bed.

I will post the other part as soon as I can. I'm gonna go to bed now so don't expect it too soon. It's 2 AM where here I live right now so I'm tired😪 965 words nice for you 😜

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