Lauren huffed as she shouldered her backpack out of her car. The weight of the day finally catching up to her as she dragged herself up the driveway.

She opened the door and smiled at her mother as she slipped off her shoes. Her mother flashed her a warming smile in return from the kitchen

"Hi honey, how was your day?" She asked walking to the stove and stiring the contents in the pot, the smell wafting to Lauren filling her with a gooey warmness.

"Even better now that you're cooking." Lauren said crossing the room to the stairs, "how was yours?"

"Same as yesterday," she chuckled out her back now turned to her daughter, " go upstairs and clean up and tell your siblings that dinner is almost ready."

"Yes ma'am." Lauren responded, saluting her mom before making her way upstairs.
Later that night she was sitting at her desk, AP U.S History textbook open with papers sprawled out all around her she sighed in frustration, rubbing at the tiredness in her eyes.


She glanced up from her textbook, glad for the distraction prompting a short break.

FinahDinah💁🏽‍♀️👑: are you still doing homework? (8:30 pm)

Lauren couldn't help the small laugh that escaped her lips looking at her best friends contact name, she had changed it so long ago as a joke one time when Lauren left her phone unlocked. She just decided to not change it.

Lauren: yeah? What's up?(8:31 pm)

FinahDinah💁🏽‍♀️👑:well you should take a break from homework, you're gonna overwork yourself (8: 32pm)

Lauren could help the warmness that spread from her cheeks to the rest of her body at her friends concern over her well being.

Lauren: but exams are soon you know that (8:32 pm)

Lauren: I would say you should be studying, but ik you never do (8:32pm)

She had always envied her best friend for that. They had always taken higher classes, both of them taking almost all AP courses in their now junior year. The only difference was that Lauren spent most of her nights studying and reteaching the lessons back to herself from that day, whereas Dinah just seemed to soak up all the information in class. She was like a sponge that sucked up any thing that was there to learn. She was obviously happy that her best friend had acquired such an ability, that didn't stop her from feeling slightly jealous.

Her thoughts her cut off by a ring that pierced her relaxing silence. Her annoyance was soon quickly replaced with a smile when she saw who it was that was calling. The only person who she'll allow to annoy her.

"Hallo" She said placing her phone on speaker before setting it down on the table so she could continue studying, or attempting to.

"Hey Lauser" She heard from the other line followed by the sound of shuffling "I assume you're still studying?"

"You know me so well."
Dinah had succeeded in getting Lauren to stop studying for the night. As the night progressed Lauren found herself on her bed laying down the call still going with her best friend. Neither were saying anything both finding solace in the humming static and the knowledge that they weren't alone.

"Hey Lolo?" Dinah asked, breaking the silence.

"Yeah?" Lauren responded laying on her back gazing up at her ceiling making of note of the different pictures she found in the popcorn ceiling.

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