(Dinahs Pov)

I raised my eyebrows suggestively as I saw the sign on top of the building, Lauren put the car in park before giving me a guilty smile.

"Really Laur?" I asked apprehensively, yet a small part of me was excited and happy.

"We haven't been here in forever," She whined out, flashing me a pout her eyes pleading for me to agree, "please?". How could I say no to that? She knew what she was doing, I sighed and ran a hand through my fluffy hair.

"How can I say no to you?" I asked rolling my eyes, but a smile still playing at my lips. Her smile grew as she quickly left the car and rushed over to my side to open the door for me. I returned her wide smile with my own at her gesture. She immediately laced our fingers together as we walked toward the rather large building.  I looked down at our interlaced hands, taking notice of how well our hands fit together. I raised my eyes back up to her face, if she felt my stare she didn't show it, keeping her sea green eyes forward. I felt a type of warmness spread through my body, a type I only got when I thought of her. It was the kind that flowed through my veins, eliminating all negative emotions leaving me in an ecstatic state of bliss.

"You know last time we were here it didn't end well for you." I said, thinking back to 8th grade when we were last here.

"Yeah, but I'm here for redemption." She said her face screaming determination, how was she able to be this adorable?

"I thought it was kinda funny." I shrugged nonchalantly, trying to incite a reaction out of her. She gasped in fake shock. Her face was mad but her eyes were playful. She released my hand, much to my dismay, and crossed her arms releasing a loud and over dramatic huff.

"I was in a cast for weeks Dinah!" She exclaimed.

"You were the one that tried doing a front flip." I put my hands up defensively.

"Yeah, only cause I was trying to impress you." She replied, her voice going soft at the end. I couldn't help the small giggle that escaped my lips. I awed and stopped our walking to pull her into what I intended to be a brief hug, latching my arms around her neck to pull her close. Butterflies erupted into my stomach as I felt her hands snake around my  waist, applying a firm amount of pressure. I felt her bury her face into the side of neck, a shiver running through me as I felt her breath on my neck. I eventually let go reluctantly, reaching down to interlace our hands once again.

"Come on let's go, I still have to kick your ass in dodge ball." I pulled her along, dragging her up onto the sidewalk and holding the door open for her.

"You were always the first one out D, I don't know what lie you're thinking of." A smug grin on her face. I rolled my eyes as I made my way to the front desk. A boy who appeared to be around the same age, was looking down at his phone, his body language screaming of boredom. He heard us approaching but decided to keep most of his attention glued to his phone.

"Welcome to Get Airz, how can I help you?" his voice monotone, similar to those that worked at the DMV.

"Hi, we'd like two bracelets please." Lauren's voice said from behind me. At the sound of her voice the boys head flew up.

"Oh uh yeah, of course, lemme get that for you." He stuttered out before scrambling out of his seat to go and get us our bracelets to get in. I made a move for my wallet but Lauren beat me to it, sliding her card onto the counter flashing me a smirk. I rolled my eyes at her antics.

"Lauren, you always pay." I whined out, making a move to grab her card but she pulled it out of my grasp before I could.

"No I don't, besides a pretty girl like you shouldn't have to pay for things in life." She said patting my cheek playfully. I only grumbled in reply.

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