I groaned and attempted to roll over but my action were halted by an arm draped over my stomach. Glancing down I smiled warmly at the Polynesian girl that was still fast asleep, a content look settled on her face. I leaned down close and swept some of the hair away from her face. Her eyes fluttered opened at the feeling of my finger tips grazing her face. She smiled and nuzzled her self more into my chest. I felt a little jump in my heart and I prayed to God, she couldn't feel my heart ready to beat out of my chest.

"Morning D" I chuckled out.

"What's the time?" She rasped out her voice slightly muffled.

"Its almost 10." I responded glancing at my nightstand to look at my alarm clock.

"More sleep." She mumbled, releasing her arm that was around me to pull the covers up and over her head.

"We should probably get up though." I suggested, my hand snaking under the blanket and running through her wavy locks. She hummed at the motion smiling contently. The sunlight peaked through weak spots in my blinds, casting my room in a comforting golden hue. Everything about this was so nice. I imagined what it would be like, waking up to this every morning, waking up the beautiful girl next to me with a kiss everyday. It would heaven.

"But it's summer Lo," She whined out, "I'm sleeping in." I chuckled and gently lowered the blanket revealing her face.

God she's beautiful

 She opened her eyes slightly, squinting against the sudden light her eyes weren't used to yet.

"But we have so much planned for today, it's the last week of summer and you want to spend it sleeping in?" I asked. She frowned before letting out a loud huffed followed by a dramatic 'fine' and she suddenly yanked the covers off of us, both us suddenly shaking at the sudden rush of cool air. I laughed as my best friend untangled herself from me and stalked her way to my bathroom to get ready.

It was the last week of summer, and we were determined to use the time together. We had hardly seen each other during the break. Dinah off in California visiting family during the beginning of summer, me going off to soccer camp a few days before she returned home. Our paths just never seemed to line up for us to properly hang out.

Until now.

I had only been back for a few hours, before the blonde haired girl was next to me in my bed watching movies.

I let myself think back to the beginning of summer, the blonde was still reserved and quiet. A shell of herself, she barely talked. The last memory I recalled was the most painful. I had begged her to spend her last night in Miami sleeping over. I knew the touchy subject of her current state. We hadn't done anything to address it since the impromptu ice cream date when she had broken down at her locker.


I laid there staring up at the ceiling, my mind absentmindedly creating pictures in the ceilings, I found myself doing that quite often recently. I turned to face Dinah who was laying beside also staring up at the ceiling. I wonder if she was making pictures as well.

"What's on your mind?" I attempted to get a glimpse into that captivating mind, wondering where her brain was currently. She glanced over our eyes connecting.

" Nothing really just kinda, yeah" She let out a deep breath returning her gaze back up to the ceiling.

"Just yeah? Great thing to think about," I attempted to joke. She managed a light laugh which made me more than content.

"I don't know I guess I'm just scared." She said shrugging. Seeing this as a rare occurrence I did my best not to show my excitement that she was opening up to me.

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