we're just one beating heart

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up next: glee and also some not-so-platonic fluff. yes this story is like 90% fluff but i promise the angst is coming...... it's coming............

as always if u like vote and comment!!!! i live for feedback <3


"Hey." Lauren plops down on her other side, putting down her makeup bag by Camila. She unzips it and picks out expensive-looking primers and moisturizers, and starts massaging them into her skin in slow, methodical circles. She takes sips of her gigantic coffee in between steps. "I love doing makeup," she says dreamily. "It's so therapeutic. It brings me so much joy." She peeks at Camila out of the corner of her eye. "You should let Dinah or Ari do your makeup sometime, Camila. They're so good at makeup."

Camila doesn't know who previously had the vanity next to Lauren, but whoever it was was chased away by Lauren so Camila could sit next to Lauren's usual vanity. "Our stools have to be together," Lauren demanded in that really cute, slightly bratty way of hers, and Camila wasn't complaining in the slightest.

"Have Dinah do it," Ariana says from her other side. She's drawing on her dark, precisely straight eyebrows. "My style of makeup doesn't really look good on anyone else but me. Dinah is really good at makeup and she's patient as fuck."

"That's true," Lauren agrees. She's broken out an eyeshadow palette and a multitude of brushes. "When you get your paycheck we'll take you to Sephora." She fully turns to stare at Camila, who is much further along in her makeup than she is. "Oh, I love watching pretty girls do their makeup." Her voice is almost wistful, and Camila struggles not to laugh as she applies her eyeliner. "Thanks," she says, her voice coming out stiff as she tries not to move her face too much.

"You're welcome!" Lauren chirps, returning to her own makeup. Again, Camila fights back a grin at her unbridled cheeriness. It might be all the caffeine or whatever, but it's so pure and so fun, almost childlike in how lively she is. It makes it even more stark when she thinks about how Lauren is onstage.

Lauren can't seem to stand to be in silence for too long, which Camila completely and wholly resonates with, so she and Lauren get into a whole discourse about Glee and which character each girl at House of Hernandez is. Ariana scoffs from next to them. "Children. You two are fucking children." Ariana is twenty-two, which is only three years older than Camila and four years older than Lauren, but she acts like she's twice their age. They ignore her.

"I think I'd be a Rachel, maybe," Lauren says thoughtfully. "I am talented and annoying."

"Eh. I don't really get overachiever vibes from you. And you're not as snakey as Rachel. I honestly think you might be Brittany." Camila cracks up at the offended look on Lauren's face. "That wasn't an insult, I promise. Oh!" She snaps her fingers. "No, I got it. You're totally Blaine."

"Ooh!" Lauren's eyes light up. "You know what, I agree. I am Blaine. I think you're Rachel, actually. You seem like more of an overachiever type. Type-A. Very talented. Kind of a goody-two shoes."

"Goody-two-shoes?" Camila exclaims way too loudly, and Lauren squeals with laughter, slapping the vanity hard, like she can't contain herself. "Look at this!" She jabs her neck and collarbone, at the hickeys that have since been exposed and she needs to re-cover with makeup. "Would a goody-two-shoes have sex with a random dominatrix they just met?"

"Ouch," Ariana says. Her silky chestnut-colored hair is swept up in a high ponytail and she's dressed in a black latex bodysuit and thigh-high boots. She looks like a dominatrix if Camila's ever seen one.

This just makes Lauren laugh more. "Fine," she concedes, returning to her eyeshadow. She's doing an bronzy smokey eye that makes her green eyes look even more luminescent than usual. "You're Quinn, then. Super hot. Kinda slutty. Bitchy queen bitch."

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