and we've only just begun

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even if you never pay attention to the music i link above in the chaps you might wanna listen to this one..... just this once ;)


"So how are things going?"

"What do you mean?"

Camila sighs as Ariana slinks up behind her, draping her arms across her shoulders. "I mean with you and the girlfriend," she says. "Lauren tells me you guys are all loved up." She has a sly look on her face as she moves to lean against Camila's vanity, reaching out to tweak her chin. "Is she better than me?"


Ariana arches an eyebrow. "In bed."

"Ew!" Camila whacks her in the arm, biting back laughter at Ariana's infuriating smugness. "God, get out of here, you freak. I hate you."

"Grande!" Ariana perks up at the sound of her last name, and suddenly Liz is there, tapping her foot impatiently. "You said you'd go grab coffee with me before performance."

"Fuckin' needy," says Ariana, so rapid-fire bitchy. "Go by yourself."


"Fine. Give me a sec, I'll be out there."

Liz gives Ariana a little salute, and then Ariana's turning back to Camila, reaching forward to mindlessly fix Camila's hair for her. "So-"

"Oh my god," says Camila.

Ariana narrows her eyes at her. "Oh my god what?"

"Oh my god, you like Liz." Camila's hands shoot up to her mouth, trying to cover her laughter while Ariana stares at her, slack-jawed. "Oh my god! You have a crush! What the hell?"

"No I don't!" If Ariana was capable of blushing, Camila thinks that's probably what she'd be doing right now. "What is wrong with you? I don't- I don't-"

But she's already lost it. Seeing her be anything less than perfectly composed is a dead giveaway. Camila is clapping, unable to stop grinning at Ariana.

"It was the instant bitchiness!" she crows. "You'd never be that mean to a girl immediately unless you really liked her. And it took her less than ten seconds to get you to stop being bitchy and agree with her. And your face! Oh my god."

"You're really fucking irritating, you know that?" snaps Ariana, and then shoots a furtive glance down the spiraling staircase. "I have to go. We can talk about this later."

"Oh, we sure are." Camila can't stop smiling. "I can't believe you actually have feelings. You're so adorable."

"Shut up," Ariana says aggressively, but she still finds it in her to drop a quick kiss on top of Camila's head before making her way down the staircase, following after Liz.

"Hey, what was that about?" Lauren comes up behind her moments later, makeup half-done, and settles her stool right in Camila's mirror.

"Personal space," Camila tells her.

Lauren grins and moves even closer, if that's possible. "It's crazy that you and Ariana still talk," she teases. "I would've thought Hailee would've shut that shit down by now."

"Hailee's not the jealous type," Camila says simply. It's most likely because she knows Camila would never find anyone better than her - never find anyone more perfect. What did she have to be insecure about in the relationship, truly? If anything Camila should've been the jealous one - Hailee was beautiful, she worked with models all day, she could basically have anyone she wanted. But Camila wasn't the jealous type, either, not really.

Bound To You (camren au)Where stories live. Discover now