come this far just to fall

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the glee references are BACK (they never left i know) (see above)

as always vote & comment bc i love feedback ok <333


A moment never really seems to mean anything. Lauren is an enigma Camila has yet to figure out.


"You know what I love about you?" Lauren says out of nowhere one day. "I love that I feel like I never have to guess what you're thinking. Everything that pops into your brain you either say out loud or it's completely written all over your face."

"Really?" Camila blushes. She loves when Lauren talks to her like this - talks to her like she's put a lot of thought into Camila, into their friendship. "I would think that's a bad thing. Like, I'm so easy to read."

Lauren shakes her head vigorously. "No, it's the best thing. I hate when people are passive-aggressive. I hate having to guess what they think."

"I think you're like that, too," Camila points out. "You also recap all your emotions and thoughts and feelings the moment we see each other."

"That's true," says Lauren thoughtfully. "But that's just 'cause I feel really comfortable around you, though. I kind of feel like I can say anything around you and you'd never judge me for it."

Camila feels a rush of fondness. "I completely feel the same way!" she says, her voice rising in pitch, eliciting a pleased giggle out of Lauren as the brunette wraps her arms around Camila's midsection, hugging her.

"We are so lame," she says into Camila's neck. "So cheesy. I love us."

Camila loves them too. She loves Lauren, mostly, but she's not going to say that out loud.


It's a Sunday evening, and Lauren has decided she's going to be a chivalrous bitch and open the door for Camila so she can step out, like she's her chauffeur, or something. "Thank you, ma'am," Camila tells her as she steps out, and Lauren visibly cringes. "Gross."

Lauren is in her trademark platform heels that put her just a little bit taller than Camila. For once, instead of a tiny sundress, the December chill has put her in a pair of jeans that hug her thick thighs and flare out around the ankle - very 70s - and a cropped button-up cardigan, a soft cranberry color that contrasts her pale skin. She twirls a little when she notices Camila taking her in. "You like my outfit?" she asks.

"Love it." Camila hooks their arms together, and Lauren giggles, leaning into her so she can press her lips to Camila's temple. "So what should I expect from my first cast dinner?"

She uses the word "dinner" very, very loosely - they're going to an In n Out a few blocks away from House of Hernandez, her and Lauren and all the rest of the cast members. It's apparently something they do at the end of every month, a House of Hernandez ritual.

"Lots of french fries," Lauren says. "We talk a lot of shit and the manager threatens to kick us out. Someone usually hooks up with someone by the end of the night. Put money on me and Lucy, since we've been hooking up every week for months."

"So you're in a monogamous relationship, then," Camila says, only half-joking.

"Bitch, you know I don't believe in monogamy."

When they walk in the restaurant, almost everyone is already there. They're all crammed into a booth, and Lauren and Camila slide in next to Normani and Dinah. There are already tons of fries and a couple burgers, and Dinah passes them both milkshakes. "Chocolate," she says, and Lauren sips hers happily.

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