the last of me

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fade-to-black smut is the only kind of smut you're gonna get from me

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"So fucking good. You were so fucking good!"

Camila practically screams in Lauren's ear when she scoops her up into a hug. Lauren is a mess of exhausted giggles as she throws her arms around Camila, letting Camila tug her to her chest. The other girls clamor around them, complimenting Lauren, but they've all seen her do this before - Camila's the only one who is blown away. She lets the other girls collect themselves at their vanities, changing, starting to pack up, but she keeps Lauren to herself, hugging her. "That was, like, the most amazing thing I've ever seen," she tells her.

Lauren is laughing and can't seem to stop. "Thank you, thank you, thank you. You really liked it?"

"Duh!" Camila pulls back only to cup Lauren's face in her hands. "It was incredible. You're incredible."

"Did you notice I sang Paramore?" Lauren asks, a shit-eating grin on her face. Camila rolls her eyes good-naturedly, her hands dropping down to Lauren's waist, to the silky fabric of her dress. "Gee," Camila jokes, "I wonder who could've inspired you."


Lauren is spinning out of Camila's grasp and into Lucy, letting the older brunette embrace her in such a similar way that Camila suddenly feels cold all over. She watches as Lauren lets Lucy kiss both her cheeks, run her fingers through her silky dark hair, and there's this ridiculous, illogical pull in her chest.

"Hey, hot stuff."

Ariana sidles up behind her, reaching out to squeeze her hip. "Sucks, doesn't it?" she murmurs, her breath warm against Camila's ear. "You want her and you can't have her."

Camila whirls around and jabs Ariana's collarbone accusingly. "You're such a dick," she says, but the self-satisfied look on Ariana's face is enough to make Camila duck her head and chuckle despite herself. "You're so rude. I hate you."

"Mmm." Ariana's glossy lips curl up into her signature alluring smirk. "But you're still coming home with me tonight, yeah?"

"I- jesus." Camila stops to stare at her. "Were you serious about that?"

"Dead serious." Ariana traces her finger along Camila's jawline, tucking her loose, wavy hair behind her ear. "What, you weren't?"

"I literally can't fuck you, Ariana, we just met." Her resolve is quickly slipping. It's no secret how undeniably sexy Ariana is, and Camila is buzzing with energy from her night at House of Hernandez and she's high-strung with frustration about Lauren, frustration she doesn't completely understand-

She could use this.

Ariana is just looking at her expectantly. She doesn't bother making an argument. It seems like she knows Camila is going to give in anyway.

"If we do," Camila says, "it's not going to mean anything."

"Less than nothing," Ariana replies. She's so flippant, so cool, so collected. It's still somehow attractive, even though it should be infuriating. She shoulders her bag and offers her hand to Camila, which she takes.

"Camila." At her name, both Ariana and Camila turn around, and Ariana squeezes her hand in a way that might be seen as comforting if Ariana wasn't such a bitch. Lucy is grinning at her, Lauren at her side, practically clinging to Lucy's arm. "Well," Lucy says, "if it wasn't obvious, you're hired."

"Yay!" Lauren claps excitedly, like a child. It's exceedingly adorable. Lucy seems to think so too, because she looks at Lauren in such a fond, affectionate way Camila suddenly feels like she's intruding on the two. She tries her best not to let her distaste show on her face. "Thank you so much," she tells Lucy, and it comes out stiffer than she wants it to, but she can't help it. "I won't let you guys down, I promise."

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