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TY  @ThisisGhostlyLemon FOR GIVING ME THE TITLE SOBS ❣️💞💞💖💘💘

Don't wake up
Don't wake up
Don't wake up


"T.K.O wake up already" I felt a sharp pain after hearing Fink say that.
"FINK WHAT THE FUCK?!" I sat up quickly and looked at my arm, there was a scratch, a deep one. Very little blood came out, but i wanted more to come out. "What is your problem?!"
"Welll," she leans against the wall, "it's our first day in intermediate and dad says we have to go."
I groaned and pulled the covers over me, "I'm not going"
Fink had a smug on her face, "Oh dA-"
"Okay okay! I'm up!" i sat up, once more, and saw Fink well dressed. "That's what we have to wear?" i said with disgust
"Um yeah! You have to look poifect! Or you could just look like a mess like you've always had" She laughs and heads out.

"Whatever.." I mumbled and then got up. I grabbed a regular muscle shirt with a dark purple hoodie and some pants. I took off the shirt i was currently wearing them looked at myself in the mirror. I could see some scars Fink or dad or Boxman gave me when i was a younger child.
"How many times do i have to tell you?! Stop being such an ignorant kid and do it yourself!" A pocket knife was pulled out and slashed the side of my stomach
I hissed and sobbed in pain.
"Oh? So you want to cry now? Well i'll show you crying~" I was picked up then was pinned down on the table,
"D-Dad st-" my mouth was covered by his hand.
"Make another sound and i'll call Boxy to help me"  My heart started to pound faster with fear. I could feel the tip of the knife gently caressing my skin, then i felt a sharp pain from my lower ribs and down. I arched my back in pain and started to cry. I screamed in his hand in a lot of pain. Boxman came in and saw us with a surprised look
"What are you doing?!" he hollered, "you're doing it all wrong!!" He pushes dad to the side, slightly cutting me a bit, i panted while crying. "s..stop.."  I said weakly
Boxman ignored me and grabbed the knife from dad. Dad went to the other side of the table and held my arms down, Boxman held my legs down.
I was too weak to say or do anything. I could feel the knife run through my skin.
The more i cried and screamed in pain, the more they'll cut. I eventually passed out from all of the cutting.
why would they do this...

"..Its not like anyone is gonna pay attention to me anyways." I wiped a small tear coming down and put on my shirt and hoodie. I looked at myself one last time. "Cob i'm a mess" I rubbed my baggy eyes and did my make up.

After i was finished, I went downstairs and saw Fink on her phone eating breakfast with dad.
"Oh look, here comes edge lord," Fink laughs. Dad held out a hand to Fink to make her stop laughing. "Morning" he said dryly
I looked at him then headed to the kitchen to find something to eat.

Dont eat, you don't deserve it

I let out a sigh. "Nothing to eat, as always"
"Well, it's not my fault you're such a picky eater" Dad says while reading a magazine.
I rolled my eyes and sat on the table, i didn't want to be an inch close to them. "C'mon T.K.O~ Have some Family Time with us~" Fink teases, I looked away and groaned.
Fink knows that having this family time bothers me. Specially the fact that dad abuses me and stuff..

"Shut up Fink" I grumbled. I saw dad look at me,
"What did i say about using profanity in this house?" I didn't respond to him, guess i shouldn't done that. "Hey." his tone got low and he got up, "When i'm talking you answer" I still didn't answer him, cob what's wrong with me- "That's it," He grabbed one end of my hair and tugged on it
"FUCKER! LET GO!" I yelled as I tried to remove his hand, his grip got tighter as i tried to move it. I could feel a tear form in my eye as he pulled me down, "What is your DEAL?!"
"I'm the adult, and you're the child. You do what I say," He places a foot on my chest. I placed my hands under his foot to move him away, but he pressed more pressure onto his foot with some twists.

I was so weak. I couldn't move him. I couldn't defend myself. I couldn't do nothing. Why was i still trying to defend myself? I feel like i'm going to suffocate because of him

"Where's my response?" He said darkly
"A-Alright fine..! I won't do it again..." i said with a low voice since i couldn't breathe well. Dad let's go. I took deep breaths, but was still lying down. I felt a bit calm..but then i felt a foot kick my chest roughly.
I started to cough in pain. It was hard for me to cough and catch my breath at the same time. I tried to speak to him but only wheezes came out.

"Oh ho man! i'm gonna get tons of views from this!" Fink laughs as she held out her phone

just stop already

"l-let's just g-go.." I wheezed quietly. Fink continued to laugh, I rolled my eyes at her and got up weakly.

Why me?

I decided to walk to school alone.
I didn't want to deal with Fink
Specially after what happened just now


Till Death do us Apart (T.K.O x K.O.)Where stories live. Discover now