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i'm suffering with writers block and art block
send help please-

"Hey! Wait up!" I ran up to my friends
"Oh...You-" The tall one responded, "Uh, why are you here-?"
"Well to hang out with my bestest friends ever!"
"Yeah...lets just go." They started to walk into the forest that was in their backyard, I followed from behind.

"Sooo...Where are we going???" I asked.
"Oh we are going...tooooo..."
"It's a surprise," the shorter one said with a chuckle. The rest agreed.
"Oh cool!!" We continued walking. Everything seemed so...so beautiful!! I haven't really been outdoors since um...Dad...
I shook my head, I shouldn't be thinking about Dad! I wanna have the best experience here with my best friends! This is like...a one in a time only!!

I looked up and saw...no one-? "Guys..?"  I looked around. The wind was blowing through my hair, chills ran down my spine from fear. "C'mon guys! This isn't funny!" I continued to walk around to look for them. No one was here. Just me, alone.
"H-" Before I could say anything, i felt someone push me into a bush.
The thorns gave me small scratches, some were deep too. Some even stayed in my skin..

I couldn't move, all i did was cry in pain because of those cuts. "W-Who's there..?" I tried to get up, but the more i moved, the more i was getting cut.
I heard laughter. M-My friends..? Why did they do this...? "G-Guys! Help please..! Everything burns.."
"Pff, why should we?"
"B-Because we're friends! And friends are supposed-"
"Ah ah! Listen, We're not your friends. Why do you think we kept avoiding you, or never asking you to hang out with us, or just send you away to someone or something else?"
My heart sank. I responded with nothing, just heavy breathing from the pain i'm in. "Go burn in hell" They laughed one last time then left

I stayed on the floor
"Why..Why did they lie to me...?"
This was then i noticed that friends just play you. They can abandon you, use you, hurt you. "...i don't need friends anymore..." I cried a bit.

T.K.O.'s POV

"Hey! T.K.O! Wake up! The pep rally is almost over!
"Huh-" I woke up from K.O tapping my shoulder and well, the teachers/principals basically yelling at the microphone from all of this "fun and games"
"How do you know when it's over?" I asked K.O.
"Oh well, normally they'll do like a small pep talk, then another game, then another small pep talk and it's over!!"
"Damn- Thats a lot of talking." I said sarcastically. I heard K.O laugh which made me blush a bit.
I just want this to be over

Time skip by your local tko in real

"Alright that should be about it! We're glad that you guys made it back to school! We all hope you have a wonderful first day of school!!" The principal said, "We'll be dismissing my rows so please be patient!!"

"Oh great" I groaned.
"C'mon, I'm sure it won't take long!" K.O playfully hits my shoulder
"Yeah sure-" I mumbled. Cob I always get this warm feeling whenever K.O is like this- I just still can't believe at the fact he doesn't remember me from back then...
"Okay this row go!"
"C'mon T.K.O!" I felt my hand being pulled,I snapped my thoughts and saw that K.O. was literally holding my hand-

I swear I'm not gay

"So, what'd you think about the pep rally??" He asked while letting go of my hand, I felt a bit upset when he did..
"Psh, boring just like any other one" I scoffed
"Oh thank cob! Me too!"
I was confused, "Wai wh-"
"Theres this one friend, and she thinks that pep rallys are so 'fun' and it just bothers me! They're really boring!!"
I chuckled a bit, "And who's this friend?'
"Oh well, she's kinda tall,green, not trying to be mean but...she's a rat-"
Rat- Dont tell me-

"Yup! That's me!" I looked over and saw Fink, I gave myself a face palm. "I think that pep rallys are fun!! You're just not used to the school spirit!"
I heard K.O. laugh, "Aw but it's boring!!"
I inhaled, "WhatdoyouwantFink-"
"Oh," she smirked at me, "guess I wasn't introduced, typical T.K.O. Anyways, T.K.O is my sister and she's my sister!"
"Fink- we've had a talk about this!" I punched her arm, but not too hard since we're at school- "Uh- so...I kinda dress more feminine, which it makes me looks like a girl but uh...I do identify as a male so..."
"Oh, well, I don't mind that! I support on what you wear! Or what you are!!" I couldn't help but smile at him. Ive never even supported before...
"Hey you're not supposed to support her! She literally wants to be a girl! So she's a she!!"
"Well...how come you dress like a dude..? I bet you wouldn't like it when I called you a guy right..?"
Fink paused then her cheeks turned pink, "WHATEVER!! IM OUTTA HERE!!" she storms out with her friends

"Holy cob..." I could feel some tears form. I haven't...been protected like this before..specially from Fink...
"Are you okay??" K.O. asked as he placed a hand on my shoulder
"Y-Yeah...but, you didn't have to do that for me really.."
"Of course I do! Even if she's your sister, you shouldn't be misgenered or be disrespected for you being you!! Plus, we're friends right? Friends protect each other!"

I wiped my the tears away with my sleeves and sniffled, "..yes, yes we are."

I can't believe it! My first friend!!!

Or did he do that just for pity?

Till Death do us Apart (T.K.O x K.O.)Where stories live. Discover now