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School felt like hell, as always, but it was finally over! However...I don't want to go home..Fink might've told Dad or Boxmam what happened when K.O. told her off. Yipee, i sure do love punishments.

The bell rang and everyone stood up, of course the teacher had to stop us because "the teacher dismisses you! Not the bell!" Ughhh, just let me out of hereeee-
"Now for tomorrow's schedule, we will be actually having classes tomorrow to meet your teachers!!"

Good luck with that

"Okay! Class dismiss!!" Uh? Did she really dismissed us when the bell rang 10 minutes ago??? Geez I hate this already

Everyone got up and dashed out of the classroom. I didn't. I went out and took my precious time, I don't really plan on going home. Heck I never want to go home! It's...torture...

"Yo T.K.O!!" I turned around and saw K.O with a..girl...two of them actually- "Meet my friends, Nanini and Dendy!!"
I looked over at them and well, the pink girl with straight up black and emo clothing didnt looked too surprised, "Sup" she says without looking away from her phone
"Ugh, Nanini! At least be a little bright!" Says the light greenish girl, I don't know my colors okay?? "Anways, I'm Dendy" she smiled and holds out a hand
I held my hand with hers cautiously, "..hi-"

I've got a bad feeling with this Dendy girl...
Of course you do! Do you not remember??
Shut it you
Your cost my dude

"Okay now that they've introduced themselves, you should introduce yourself as well!" I felt a hand slap my shoulder, which disturbed me a bit..
"Y-Yeah uh..hi, I'm T.K.O..?" I awkwardly said. Stupid social anxiety. Dendy looks at me for a bit. Something about her seems odd...a bit...?

Oh I totally know the answer! Will I get a piece of cake if I say the answer???
Stop. Go back to whatever you're doing.
Bothering you? You got it boss!
Wait no-! Augh!

I shook my head, "It was uh, a nice pleasure meeting you but uh...I have to go?"
The three of them let out a sigh
"But but! I wanted us to hang out.." K.O pouted.
"Seems like it didn't even want to be friends with us," Nanini says with disgust
"No no, I do want to be friends it's just- I uh..my dad has to take me somewhere today! Yeah that's right!" I said nervously

Why did that hurt

"Oh, very well then. You could go," Dendy smiles
"Oh! That seems reasonable!" K.O.'s emotions suddenly changed, "Well, we'll see you tomorrow!" The three of them decided to head off. Now it's just me

"Ugh I'm so stupid!" I growled to myself as I started to walk home, "this was my chance to y'know..escape home for once!"
I'm blaming this on you
What!? I didn't do anything! It's your fault for living in such an abusive family!
Well you uh-

"Oh hey! It's you again!" I shook my mind off and saw that girl with the green hoodie again. Uh..what was her name again?
"Aki" she laughed, "You walk this way too?"
"Great! Let's walk home together! Or even better, let's chat at my place!"
"Um- are you sure-? Your parents are..fine with me staying for a bit?"
Aki paused for a bit. "I..I don't have any parents."
"Oh- I'm so so sory I bought this up-!"
"It's okay! I'll explain more when we get there .."

Skipping to Aki's house

"Oh...so that's what happened.." I said while drinking a cup of tea that Aki gave me.
"Yeah...but that's the past! I'm so glad i left them for good" she says in a reliving tone.  She then continues to rant about her day, classic high schooler.
I nodded with a few "uh huh's" just to let her know that i'm 'paying attention'. Eventually i've lost track of time.

"Shit what time is it-?"
"Uhh... 5 till 9"
"Crap!" I got up and grabbed my stuff quickly, "It was nice meeting you but i really gotta go! Uh- Bye!" I headed out as quickly as possible, Aki didn't have the time to say goodbye. Ack who cares?




"I made it.." I panted. "I hope he doesn't find out..." I opened the door gently. I closed my eyes tightly, hoping that he's not there

"T.K.O." a low toned voice was spoken.


You thought you were gonna get an explanation of my absences? well it was i Dio!

Till Death do us Apart (T.K.O x K.O.)Where stories live. Discover now