DAY 23

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DAY 23

Dear Diary,

Today's day went in knowing each other. And at the end of the discussion we decided of having a small ball.

Aline is very kind. She just seemed to be a bit in shock and scared yesterday. Aline loves to stitch. Well, I am not shocked I saw the gloves she was wearing yesterday. They were beautiful.

Then there is this boy who is gay named Oliver from Australia. He had come out to his parents just half an hour before they disappeared. He thought that his parents ran away because he was gay but then he realized that everyone was lost. He was in his school's music band and he used to design dresses for the school play.

Then there is this girl named Ai who is Japanese. Well she is pretty. She plays the violin in her school band. She is the one who suggested to have the ball so we could get to know each other.

Then there is this girl named Jasmine from India. She is amazing. She is the most fun person among us all and I am pretty sure that she is going to make the ball fun. She is all into art and stuff and is also into classic music. She carries cassettes of old music with her. Well she is officially the DJ of the ball.

Then there is this other girl named Leah she is from the US. She is nice. She didn't tell us much about her. She just said her name and the country she belongs to. Well I assume she might be shy.

Then there is this guy called Felix and he is Canadian. He is super-hot. He used to play football at school and used to have a boyfriend named William. He started dating William just 2 minutes 

before everyone around him disappeared.

Then there is this boy named Albert and he is Russian. He is a bit chatty. He keeps on talking, 

never gets tired.

Then there is this boy called Azban from Pakistan. He is super-hot and tall. He used to play 

basketball for his school. He didn't have parents and hence lived with his grandparents here.

Then there is this guy called Akoni and he is Hawaiian. He is a great surfer. He arrived back from 

Hawaii just 3 days before that afternoon. He is the one who must be suffering the most amongst us all.



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