Chapter Seven

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The streets of Los Angeles were crowded with people; the usual night life around here. It was nearing two in the morning but everything was still alive. In one of the more popular bars downtown Karin sat, downing shot after shot. She couldn't keep up with the number, all that she cared about was trying to erase all the emotions she was feeling.

In her heart she knew what she did earlier today was wrong. She should have never come at Aaliyah like that and it was eating her alive knowing she let herself get so out of character. She may have been mad and upset but nothing could excuse her behaviour. It was uncalled for.

Waving the bartender over, Karin ordered another shot but this time of something stronger. She downed the brown tinted liquid and screwed up her face from the tingling burning sensation that tickled her throat. She ordered two more of the same before her head really started to spin and her vision became blurry.

Carefully she slid backwards off the stool and stood to her feet. However, as she stood up straight it seemed as if the whole room was spinning and her body went limp, beginning to fall backwards before everything started going black. She felt two muscular arms catch her before the lights completely went out.

Nine Hours Later..

The sun peeked through the small gap in the curtains, shining right down onto Karin's bare face. Her face twisted up and she let out a groan before opening her eyes, immediately feeling her head pounding.

Slowly she sat herself up and immediately let her eyes adjust but when they finally did she began to freak out..this wasn't her bedroom and she certainly hadn't been to wherever this place was before. She was about to get up and go find out wherever she was but suddenly got the urge to throw up.

There was a bucket next to the side of the bed which she grabbed just in time to empty out her system violently. She slightly jumped when she felt the bed dip and then someone rubbing her back but finished emptying her guts before shifting her gaze up to see Jayceon looking concerned.

"Here take this." She did as he said and swallowed the pills with the water he'd brought for her. "Now drink this."

Her face scrunched up as he held out a cold beer for her. He chuckled at her hesitation.

"It's fine beautiful, trust me this'll make it all better. Just drink as fast as you can."

She took the bottle from him and chugged it down as fast as she possibly could, screwing her face up and gagging at the taste. Beer definitely wasn't a pleasant thing for her.

Jayceon walked to the connecting bathroom and came back a few minutes later with a warm cloth in one hand, a toothbrush with toothpaste on it and a small bowl so she'd be able to spit. He wiped her face and helped her brush her teeth before getting her up and leading her into the bathroom so she could shower and wash off the nights events.

_ _ _

Loretta Taylor

I've been laughing all morning to myself about how caring my big headed brother is being towards this girl. She's really pretty and if she's making my brother like this then I know she's a great person because Jayceon doesn't just get deeply involved with just anyone.

Rubbing my growing stomach, I continued flipping the last of the pancakes and cooking the eggs for our breakfast. Surprisingly the smell of all this doesn't make me gag like it used to..pregnancy can really be the most confusing thing sometimes.

"It smells good in here Lo."

I looked up to see Jay rubbing his hands together. "How's your friend?"

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