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Welcome to the Howler, our very own community newsletter which comprises all that goes on inside a writer's head when they begin their remarkable journey of writing a masterpiece.

There is no better way to initiate the Alpha edition of this newsletter than to start it with the first member to arrive in our community. Her journey began with 231 words and now has long crossed the primary threshold of a thousand, she's an individual we'd like all aspiring writers to gain an insight on.


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Member interview

◤ α - e d i t i o n  ◢Member interview

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The first and one of the most dedicated members of the Rabid Writers family is BlackberryLatte.

Although the actual blackberry latte probably tastes as disgusting as it sounds, the one that our community has the honour to have is absolutely delicious, we can promise you that.

Words cannot espresso how much they bean to us. Read on for the most brewtiful interview ever!


▪ Is anything in your book based on real-life experiences or purely all imagination?

Latte: Mhm I would say the main character of the book has a similar life to me. A lot of her story is not complete though so I can't expand it more, we do share a similar sense of humour.

▪ What about your books? Have you ever written a book you loved and have not been able to get it published?

Latte: Nope. I never really liked writing before and even now it's hard for me. The only reason I do it is so I can finally put the story to rest. I have thought about these characters for about 2 years and they have grown a lot with me.

THE HOWLER - Member InterviewsWhere stories live. Discover now