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◤ γ - e d i t i o n ◢

Welcome to the Howler, our very own community newsletter which comprises all that goes on inside a writer's head when they begin their remarkable journey of writing a masterpiece.

There is no better way to initiate the Gamma edition than to start it with the winners of the last contest we hosted.

Winner: Krippy93


◤ γ - e d i t i o n ◢
Member interviews

◤ γ - e d i t i o n ◢Member interviews

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♡ Pixel ♡

Introducing one of our former MOD's: Pixel!

Commonly nicknamed 'Pixel' Pan by MODs and members alike, Peter Pan -- ahem, I mean Pixel, is a bubbly and semi-tsundere member of our little pack. Although a pretty decent comedian, Pixel Pans' career In stand-up comedy didn't take off because his jokes Neverland. (ba-dum tiss) Lame puns aside, our Cutie Pie Pixie never fails to get everyone feeling light (it must be the pixie dust he stole) and semi-high (..what did that pixie-dust have in it?) . Our servers always seem more warm and inviting when he jumps in, and he's an equally dedicated author who writes with gusto and style and brings life to his characters.


Is anything in your book based on real life experiences or purely all imagination?

Pixel: (I am letting you know now, I am an open book and literally will share everything.)

In the book that's registered here- "A window in fate," the concept of one falling into a bridge came from a dream of mine. Although 100% of the subplots are based off of real-life experiences. I try to write with the intent of teaching people lessons.

THE HOWLER - Member InterviewsWhere stories live. Discover now