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Welcome to the Howler, our very own community newsletter which comprises all that goes on inside a writer's head when they begin their remarkable journey of writing a masterpiece.

There is no better way to initiate the Beta edition of this newsletter than to start it with some of the first members -- as well as the winners of the last contest we hosted.

Winner: Sclark71517
Runner-up: EllaStone06


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Member interview

◤ b - e d i t i o n  ◢Member interview

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♡ Aji ♡

The definition of Aji is "powerful and complete. A good intellectual and requires several outlets for their energies. You are not a builder but a planner, and you want others to carry out your plans.You are bold, independent, inquisitive and interested in research. You know what you want and why you want it."

We can guarantee that the Aji we have the pleasure to have in our little society is just that. While she's working on three books and going on strong, we present to you one or the first members to join our pack!


Is anything in your book based on real life experiences or purely all imagination?

Aji: Oh, it's definitely based on real life experiences. Growing up, I felt like a minority within a minority, if that makes any sense. I felt like I had so many problems other people wouldn't get and wished I could find people just like me, who I could bond and relate with. Although I've found some amazing friends, I think a part of me still lacked the connection I longed for. That's when I realized that I wanted to understand myself. It was never about the crowd I was in. Now more than ever, I'm dealing with some difficult things and writing is a form of therapy. This book isn't just fiction for me. I'm figuring out myself.

THE HOWLER - Member InterviewsWhere stories live. Discover now