Chapter 1

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Billie's Pov


"He's your fiancè."

I look at the boy shock, he was looking down not wanting to make eye contact with me "But why mom?" I question her in a sort of over acting voice.

"Because, you've been enjoying your life to much, that you don't even notice I'm not even getting any rest worrying about you all month."

"But why get all this, for an marriage contract? I could change my behaviour right away. Just please don't force me to-"

"Ah! No, you've already said that and what happen? Nothing, you didn't change."

I look at him, now staring at my ocean eyes, and I'm staring at a fire that could melt anyone.

"Beside, Bright here is an intelligent kid. He will be your new homeschooled teacher."


"What did I say? Don't raise your voice infront of your fiancè."

I groan, not only do I have a fiancè in my house, but also he is my new teacher to teach me.

"Fine...where he's staying?"



"Can't curse, or else."

Mom gave me a hard glare sending chills down my spine. Everyone know when your mom gets angry it business alright.

"Fine...but your not sleeping with me."

I crossed my arms, frowning my face hoping my mom will agree.

"Don't listen to her Bright. Your definitely sleeping in her room."

"Why would I-!"

2 hour later

"Bye you two."

The door close leaving me and this..boy in my house. He turn to me, bowing his head, I guess for respect.

"Nice to meet you, my name is Kim Bright Lee your-"

"My fiancè I get it!"

I kinda yelled at him making him jump a little.

"Sheesh, just don't bother me ok."

I say, going to my room...well..our room. Considering my mom order those 3 to put all his stuff in my room.

Bright Pov

I hate myself from printing that stupid paper. I let out sigh, wondering what should I do with the 17 year old blue haired girl.

They did said I have to change her behaviour, but how? They didn't give me any instructions on how to do that.

I walk around the house, exploring it to know what every room are. I heard one of the door upstairs open, guessing it was Billie.

She was wearing an over size white t-shirt and an black pants that looks like it's about to fall off any second now.

"Where are you going?"

I ask her politely, hoping she would answer me.

"None of your business!"

With that, she shut the front door with a bang on the end, making my eyes close from the loud bang.

Welp, I did i got an answer from her.

This 5 months of me being with her is going to be satan's kingdom.

Billie's Pov

I drink another shot, trying to get rid of that stupid guy face from my mind. I told my friends about him and how I'm force to marry him.

They weren't happy about it, specially Q, knowing he won't have a special fuck buddy with him.

Danielle was saying things like "oh, I bet his dick is not even longer then Q or the twins ones." Or "aren't all asian boys have tiny sticks?"

We all laughed at her comment about Bright, and I actually agreed all the things she was saying about Bright.

"Can't you force your mom, that instead of that Bright light guy, you have me. A strong, handsome, plus a real man."

Q said with full confidence in his voice, the others cheer for him while I just played along with it.

"Don't worry, I promise you. By the end of this year, we will have a family."

The gang started oohing making the both us giggled. I check the time, it was already 10 pm. I rolled my eyes putting my phone down.

"Aren't you going to go home by this time Bil?"

"Nah, my parents aren't home. So I can stay here whenever I want now. Beside, what is he going to do if I got into danger, he will be the one to blame for not taking care of me."

"Ooo, Damn gurl! You go show that guy whose boss!"


4 hours later

it's really late now, and I mean really late. I'm walking down to my house trying my best not to stumble.

"Hey there pretty lady."

I turn around to see a man, looks like he's is his mid 30, staring at me creepily.

"What's a lady like you doing here all alone."

He ask putting his hand on my shoulder. I shiver at his touch, trying to calm my self.

"Nothin, just going home."

"Oh, I can give you a ride if you want?"

He offered, smiling at me with those crooked teeth.

"No thanks, I really have to-"

He push me to a wall, grabbing my wrist restraining my chance of escaping.

"I don't really like girls who deny my offer you know."

I tried to yelled for help, but he only covered my mouth, preventing me from screaming. He began to slip his hand up to my shirt, making my body shiver at his creepy touch.


I look to my right to see a figure standing from a far, a deep dark red glowing eyes was shown through the shadows, sending goosebumps on my arm.

I didn't even know what happened next, all I know is when the figure got closer. I black out.

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