After that guy Ryan spilled the beans to everyone, I excused myself and now I'm skipping morning classes which I haven't done it for my whole life. My parents would really kill me if they knew or worse, grounded. That made me slap myself for being not careful. Ugh, I would never forget how ashamed I am in front of everyone earlier. In front of the principal as well.
"It's you!! The girl who kicked my precious center and humiliated me in front of all people in the club!!"
Oh shit...
"Me? What are you talking about?" I said, play hard to get. I'll just have to play it cool and everything will be fine. "Don't get me wrong lassie, I would never forget your face that night. Mr. Trench-" he looked at the principal- "I demand you to sue this woman..." as what I expected. Is this the end of my life? Wait, no, this is not going to happen. Whatever it takes, I won't let that happened, never. I still have my goals waiting for me to achieve it. I think play hard to get is over.
My blood boils from the way he showed his evil smirk at me. My hands are fisted as I really want to punch him in that beautiful nose of his. I scoffed and banged my hands to my desk "sue me? Sorry to burst your bubble but you're the one who harass me first pervert. All I did was to defend myself."
"Oh, she admits it. Thank God." He clapped as he laughs even if it wasn't funny. "Such confidence you got there lassie. Actually, I have proof. Your friend right there? The noodle hair? She took a picture right?" She's talking about Ash and how dare he called her noddle hair. "And the other girl? She was just watching and seems like she's enjoying it."
"Excuse me? Enjoying it?!" Ayla snapped. She stood up from her seat and went in front but I'm glad that her cousin stopped her right on time. "FYI, I did NOT enjoy it but from what she did to deserved it. You should know that harassing a woman is a crime! I saw you grabbed her that harsh then now you're going to sue her?!"
"Is it true Mr. Crawford?" the principal ask. Crossing his arms through his chest and waiting for him to answer his question. Ryan frowned, and looked at Mr. Trench "sir, why would you believe them? They're lying to you...
I saw how Ayla struggled at his cousin's arms but the guy with the hood grab Ryan and now he's facing the principal. "I'm really sorry for my friend sir but don't worry, I'll talk to him about this." Surprised, then disbelief, crossed his features. He was about to speak but cut off by Mr. Trench's low but loud voice "it's enough Mr. Crawford, I don't want to hear any of your excuses. I can see from Ms. Ayla that she's telling the truth. If you would like to discuss this, then let's settle this in my office...with your parents." This made Ryan looked down and nod in agreement. Mr. Trench excuse himself. Ivo let Ayla go from his grip she glared at the Scottish guy who also glared back. His friends calmed him down and our English teacher gestured the unknown guy to continue. Ayla went back to hear seat beside Ash and pats her back to calm her down.
I can hear my classmates murmuring about me. I sighed, rumors will be spreading again. I need fresh air. I feel so ashamed. Not just the whole class but my friends too. I looked at my friends and gave an apologetic look. I let myself excused in the class without looking back.
Now, I'm in the rooftop, letting my anger out. I mess my hair with frustration and swear myself. "You fucked up Trina!!" I kicked the empty water bottle let out a shout. Now that Ryan's here, my life will be a mess. "Oh Trina, you're so stupid!!!" I swear and swear myself more. I don't care if anyone heard me but I just want them to mind their own business and leave me alone. I flopped myself in the floor and hug my knees. Thinking about what I had done the other night and how I dragged my friends into this mess. What would my family thinks if they found out my wrong doings...they probably wouldn't believe that their daughter was doing things like this without their guidance. I have to fix this but how?

Alcoholic Princess
RomanceIn which there was a college student in Lincoln University, a girl to be specific, who drinks a lot. Never had a real boyfriend and always ended up a mad drunk. A savage kind of girl, softy sometimes and all the boys in school were all over her. Th...