“T-Trina!! Stop! You’re making me d-dizzy!!” Ayla whines but I still don’t stop shaking her.
Oof…let me fill you in about what happened. Let’s rewind shall we?
Me and Ash were now in the bus stop. Waiting for another bus to take us home. “I swear to myself…that I’ll stop drinking from now on.” I said and sigh. I heard Ash scoffed beside me. “This is your 10th time to swear about not drinking alcohol anymore. It’s not like it’s going to happen anyway…” I glared at her. “Oh you will see…”
“Of course I’ll see it…I have eyes dummy.” This girl…aarrrgghh….
Before I could speak, my phone rang and picked it up. It was my mom calling. I looked over at Ash and saw that her phone was ringing too. “Oof…it’s my sister. Gotta take it…” she answered the call and I did the same too. “Mom? What’s up?”
“Hey sweetie, when are going to come home?”
“Soon…me and Ash are waiting for the next bus.”
“Oh great…everything is fully packed and you’re good to go…”
My brows narrowed in confusion. Fully packed? For what? Am I being kicked out? Is my mom being sarcastic? “What do you mean fully packed mom?” I asked her.
“Did Ayla told you?”
“Told me what?”
There’s was a long pause and I suddenly heard my mom gasped. “Oh shoot I forgot…now I spilled the secret surprise.”
“Mom…what secret surprise are you talking about?”
“Okay…you’re going to live in with Ayla from now on. She told me to keep this secret and make a surprise. Actually…it will be you and Ash.”
“WHAT!?!?” Me and Ash shout together. We looked at each other and our jaw dropped. “So you mean…we will be living with Ayla’s apartment from now on?!?” I shouted through the phone.
My mom winced. “Gosh, tuned down will’ya? You’re hurting my poor ear…and who told you it was an apartment? Trina, did you open your eyes lately? That is Ayla’s new house. She bought it a few years ago for the three of you…so….uhm, surprise?”
Why am I being dumb?
“Mom imma call you later okay? I have to go back to Ayla’s house.” I ended the call before she could protest. I grab Ash’s wrist and ran back to her lovely-not-apartment house. I am going to strangle her…
@ Ayla’s house
And that’s how we got here. Now I’m strangling Ayla. “T-Trina!! Let go!!” she whines but I didn’t listen. “We’ve been friends for a whole freaking 5 years Ayla and bought a house without telling us?!?! Then now you want us to move in with you!!”
“Isn’t a g-good thing!?”
“Of course it’s a good thing! The bad thing was that you lied to us and start buying a house with your own money!!”
“Trina stop!” Ash yelled at me but I still didn’t listen. I was about to yell back when I my body suddenly lifted by someone. “Okay, you need to calm down…” Ben again? Why does he keeps showing out of nowhere… “Trina, you were strangling Ayla for nothing…” Ash said and pats Ayla’s back who was breathing hard.
“That was nothing to you?! Ash she bought a house without telling us, she had a job WITHOUT telling us and most importantly…she used her own money without telling us!?” I fumed. Ben’s arms are still on my waist. “Uhm, surprise?” Ayla scratched the back of her neck with a nervous smile on her face. The good thing was I erased her scary face. That’s a relief. “Trina, aren’t you over reacting a bit? I mean, be thankful that she bought a house for the three of you…” Ryan starts rambling.
He really does have his death wish signed. “Excuse me? Who are you to meddle in our trio conversation Mr. Crawford? Are the landlord?” His friends snickered and I smirked. He went silent and sips his soup that Ayla made. I looked back at Ayla with my disappointed look. “You know that you did it again right? How you manage all of this by yourself? Seriously, what are we to you? I thought we were in this together…” she sighed. “Of course we’re in this together…it’s just that your busy drinking and crying over to your loving exes that doesn’t even exist to my point of view.”
What the actual fudge!?
“Pfft…” Ash tried to hold her laugh.
“Come again?” I was getting irritated at the moment now. “I don’t have to repeat it twice…you heard me right?” Her lips pursed into thin line and back with her innocent look. “That’s it…I’m not staying here…” I moved out from Ben’s grip but stopped on my track when Ayla said something that changes my mind. “Oh, you’re not staying? I guess I have to throw those cute kitty plushies that you want from your birthday. Damn, what a waste…I bought five of them.”
Plushies…its cutness is my weakness. I can’t back away now. I turned to face her with a forced smile and beamed at Ayla. “Silly me, I really love living here with you girl! You’re the best!! Now, if you’ll excuse me and Ash, we will go home now and start packing. Seeya!” I pulled Ash with me and dragged our way out to the door. “You’re crazy right?” Ash said behind me and she chuckled. “The plushies cutness is one of my weakness Ash. Don’t judge…” she let out a scornful laugh and I can’t help but to smile from my excitement. We went home directly after that.
@Ayla’s house
I couldn’t help it but to smile of how Trina act cutely. Maybe I should buy her some plushies…yep, I’ll buy her some more. I love seeing her smile. “Ehem…Ben? Are you there?” I snap out of it and looked at Trina. Who’s scary expression is back…being strangled from Trina was way better than now. “Oh uhm…yea..uh…where were we?” I stammered and scratch my head nervously. “Just tell her how you and Trina met in the first place dude…” Ryan said while munching the bacon on my plate. Until it was snatched by Rey. Wow, I haven’t even finished yet and now they’re stealing it…just wow.
“You and Trina met already? How? When and where?” Ayla looked at me suspiciously. “A few blocks away from Ryan’s bar. She saved me in her drunk state.” I said and looked at her, waiting for her reply. Her mouth gaped like she seems to connect the dots. I was about to tell her those men when she suddenly stood up from her sit and grab some water in the fridge.
Me and the guys looked at each other, wondering what was happened in Ayla’s mind. “Hey cous, are you alright?” Ivo asked his cousin. Then she sighs. “Ben, I’m sorry that I called you a rapist that night…”
Then it clicked.
It was Ayla who answered the call that night. I didn’t looked at the ID caller because it was raining hard. “Oh my gosh!! You’re the rapper girl!?” Rey beamed at Ayla who was staring back at him weirdly. “Rapper girl?” She asked with one brow raised. “Yeah, you were rapping while saying some things to Ben…well, he told us about how fast you speak. And to be honest, he said that he almost peed in his pants.” I smacked Rey’s head and shot him a glare. “Gosh, I’m really sorry Ben. And thank you also…for bringing Trina here to safety.” She gave me an apologetic smile and I smiled back. “Of course he will save Trina…he’s in love after all.”
“Rey shut up please!!” I yelled and he just shrugged. “Oh right, our Ben here is in love by the way…” Now Ivo spilled it. Great…all of my friends were busy teasing me while I covered my flustered face with my hands. “Okay, stop…I can see it now…it was love at first right?” Ayla said and smirked. “Uh, y-yea…” I stuttered. “Well, good luck with that…” she said.
“Wait, you’re approving me?” I was literally screaming on the inside. “Why not? I can see it in your eyes lover boy…now…tell me about those guys from last night.” I nod happily and told her about how I ran away from home. Away from my dad and was followed by his goons. Until she stopped me, “that’s enough. I see you were having a hard time explaining everything. I don’t want to push you to open up with me. That’s it for now.” I sigh in relief. I still didn’t want to tell her the whole truth. Not the right time.
Ayla hand me a piece of paper with an address written on it. “What’s this?” I asked. “It’s Trina’s and Ash’s address. I would like you and Ryan to helped them with their stuff.” She said. I guess I hit another jackpot today. I finally got Trina’s address. “Wait, why me?” Ryan asked, clueless.
“It’s because you have a car…and I want Ben to meet Trina’s family in advance. I’m sure her mother would be very happy to see him.” Wait…what!? No! I’m not ready for this!! “Don’t argue Ben…you can thank me later…” Ayla said with a smirk on her face. Now I really want to go home…
“You can do it Ben!!”
“A family met-up? Wow…you’re on the next level dude.”
“Just be yourself. There’s nothing to worry about.”
“You should bring flowers dude…”
I’m not ready for this. What if I get suddenly clumsy? What if they find me weird? Oh my god, I wanna go home. “Don’t worry dude, I’ve got your back.” Ryan pats me on the back and I sighed. “And you four…will be doing house chores with me.” They whined. I laugh a little at how childish could they be. Then my thought went to back to meet Trina’s family…oh boy.
I’m going to dig my own grave soon…~Hey lovies!!! Long time right? Hehehe...I'm sorry for not updating. Same situation here...modules here and modules there.
Getting stress all day and have no time to update. UwU...
atleast Ben here got reach for the next level. We'll see how it goes in the next update...stay tuned!! And thank you sooooo much for voting and reading my stories. Love ya'll!!

Alcoholic Princess
RomanceIn which there was a college student in Lincoln University, a girl to be specific, who drinks a lot. Never had a real boyfriend and always ended up a mad drunk. A savage kind of girl, softy sometimes and all the boys in school were all over her. Th...