Chapter One: Last "Normal" Day

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Amber's POV

I was trapped in the dark room......again. I could feel the something lurking in the dark. I could see the shadows trying to close in on me. I called for help, screamed to no prevail as a sharp pain shot down my spine.

I bolted upright, coated with sweat. It was the same nightmare, every single night. After stumbling into the bathroom and splashing some cold water on my face I got ready for school. 'Last day' I thought with relief.
You see, for me school was absolute hell. I had pretty much no friends except for one. Cecilia. We both went to Sweet Valley Middle School or in other words prison. I quickly said goodbye to my parents and ran with my two half sisters to catch the bus.

Cecilia's POV

I waved to Amber as she scrambled onto the bus. "Hey Mozart" she said with a clever smile. "Sup Einstein" I replied and we both broke out laughing. I was a very talented musician and she was extremely smart, so we liked to tease each other about our different talents.

"You packed for New York yet?" I asked Amber excitedly as we entered the school. "Of course! Are you?" she replied with a wink. "I was packed months ago" I said with a giggle. We chatted about what we'd do in NYC as we walked to our lockers.

Suddenly I found myself on the floor. Embarrassed I pulled myself off the floor and gathered my books. "Watch where your going freak" said a snobby voice. 'Lila' I thought with anger. Lila was a "popular" girl at our school and was always picking on people. Especially Amber and I. "Your such a jerk!" Amber yelled at Lila. "Amber really I'm okay. Let's go to class now" I said, putting my hand on her shoulder to calm her down. The last thing we needed was a fight. "Yeah. Alright" Amber agreed still giving Lila a death glare.
Just as we were turning away, Lila opened her fat mouth and said "Yes run along, wouldn't want to be late for class." That's when Amber lost it. She spun around and punched Lila right in the nose. "Owwww!" Lila cried out.

Amber and I just turned around and walked to class.

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