• Goner •

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Zak felt himself groan in disappointment. Class was Boring at the moment and he couldn't help but to look around the classroom. He looked over behind him and saw the seat empty. 

He felt his eyes start to water quickly, so he wiped it. Zak shook his head and made sure he wouldn't cry. Then, he got hit by a paper ball. He looked around and saw Mega gesturing for him to open the paper ball. He did and saw a note. 

Are you ok?? Ever since, you know what, you've been acting more.. Quiet..  -M

Zak wrote back onto the note and threw it back when the teacher wasn't looking. 

Wdym? I don't know what you're talking about. -Z

Mega rolled his eyes and looked over to Jacob, who took the paper. They sat right next to each other, so it was easy getting access to one another. 

Jacob threw the paper ball back and it hit Zak on the head. Zak rubbed his head as Jacob only snickered and Mega held in a laugh. 

Lol you don't know what we're talking about? Is this about Dave? -J

Zak felt his happiness go away from talking to his friends and he was soon covered in sadness. He sighed and wrote yes on the paper, he threw it back. 

Mega caught it and Jacob leaned over, Mega saw this and turned the paper so Jacob could see too. So they could read it together. 

Jacob and Mega's face became furrowed with concern and sadness. They were both sad about Dave, but it must've hit Zak harder. 

Jacob threw the paper ball back, this time, Zak caught it. Mega didn't throw the paper ball because he was bad at throwing and Jacob was much better than him at it. 

I'm sorry Zak, we are sorry that he left. -M

Zak could tell Mega wrote it, only because the neater handwriting. Zak felt tears come to his face. 

Why did he have to leave? When everything was right he just… -Z

Mega saw this and felt tears come to his eyes. Dave was a great friend, and Mega could talk to him about anything and he would understand. Mega put a hand up to his eye to make sure he wouldn't cry, but he felt something watery come from his eyes. 

Jacob saw Mega like this and patted his shoulder. Jacob hated to see Mega like this, and he hated the fact that Zak was sad too. Zak was usually happy so it concerned him. 

Jacob missed Dave too, but he felt so bottled up because he was gone. He could tell Dave about his crush on Mega, and Dave would listen and sometimes give advice. The advice works and he has tried it for sure, it made Mega happy until Dave one day disappeared. 

I'm sad too, Zak. Mega can't even see now because he's crying and we miss Dave too. We miss him so much.. -J

Jacob wiped his eyes and then looked over to Mega, which was still crying. Zak received the note and started crying too. 

I'm sorry to make you guys cry too, Dave would want us to be strong right? -Z

Zak wiped his tears and was about to throw it, when the teacher called on him. 

"Zak Carder! If that note is so important why don't I read it to the whole class then?" Ms. Diego said, she grabbed the note and unraveled it, revealing sentences by the three. 

Mega and Jacob stopped their crying, Mega still had tear stains whilst Jacob only had a tiny amount of tear drops on his sleeve. Mega looked at Zak who looked at them with a panicked look. 

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