I Am From Unova!

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So, where do I begin? I'm Amy and I come from the Unova region. I beat many Champions on my countless adventures and made friends with the dragon master, Iris.
I have to admit that Iris is a pretty amazing friend.
She and her Haxorus never left my side. All our Pokémon trainer (or maybe it's champion now) career, we have been traveling all over the world side by side to meet new champions (and dragon masters since Iris is very fond of them).
I've caught hundreds of Pokémon in my adventures but some of them were too special to release or even keep in the PC Box. That's why I keep them at Professor Juniper's lab.
So the moment I finished all the regions, I called professor Juniper and she sent me a ticket for a plane to Unova.
Haxorus and Iris were so excited to finally see home again and so was I.
Now quick recap here: I was out of the Unova region for almost two years now, I just turned 20 this July, and mom doesn't know what types of crazy stunts I went through in all these different regions.
Emolga flew past my ear and sat on top of my head, which was pretty difficult since my headphones are on 24/7.
So here's my team:
-Zeraora (master ball)
-Houndoom (great ball)
-Swampert (Pokeball)
-Sceptile (Pokeball)
-Lucario (Ultra Ball)
-Shiny Sylveon, female (Pokeball)
Emolga doesn't count—please don't judge me.
Once we got back from Johto and entered the region, Emolga and Haxorus became all worked up and bounded out of the flight towards their way home.

Once we got back from Johto and entered the region, Emolga and Haxorus became all worked up and bounded out of the flight towards their way home

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Mom screamed out and squeezed the air out of me once I showed up at the doorstep and I started trembling all over, tearing up. Maybe it was because I missed her so much or probably because I was jet-lagged.
"Amy! You grew up so much since the last time I saw you! I missed you so much!" Mom cried.
"It's okay mom, I'm here," I assured her, "So how's dad? How's Professor Juniper?"
Mom paused. "Amy, I've received so many calls lately; from professors like professor Birch, Professor Elm, Professor Oak, Professor Sycamore, Professor Magnolia and her assistant Sonia...and Professor Kukui."
"Wow, they must have been really worried when I left their regions," I laughed, "can I call them?"
Iris and me hopped on our shared tablet, opening it up and seeing all these missed calls. They might have been fifty all together so we had to pick up each one and tell them that we were back in Unova safely.
"Good to hear!" Professor Oak has sighed.
"Take care in Unova both of you!" Professor Elm had told us.
"Hope me and Brendan see you again in Hoenn!" Professor Birch smiled at us.
"Woo! You two almost gave me a heart attack!" Professor Rowan laughed.
"Stay safe and make sure you put these Mega Stones I gave you in good use!" Professor Sycamore told us with a wide smile.
Professor Magnolia didn't answer but Sonia did, which didn't really make a difference.
"Girls! How's the adventure? How're your Pokémon?" Sonia asked, excited to see us again.
"It's awesome Sonia!" Iris giggled, "Or should I call you Professor now?"
"Anything can work, thanks," she told us.
"Ooh! Did they call? Did they call? Lemme see them!" A familiar voice called out.
Hop shoved Sonia out of the way and gave us a toothy grin. "Hi Amy! Hi Iris! Remember me? I look extra nerdy with these glasses now that I'm a professor's assistant!"
I smiled. "Hi Hop! How's Leon and his Champion's title? Is he ready to rematch me and lose again?"
"You gave me the title because you had to leave Galar!" Leon shoved Hop out of the way and waved.
Before he can say something, Sonia scowled at the two of them and shoved them out of the room. I felt so happy for Hop when he told me that he was the new assistant.
"Sorry girls! Can't stay long! Duty calls, I'll see ya!" Sonia waved at us goodbye and hung up.
Now it was onto the last Professor: Professor Kukui. Alola will always be my personal favorite region. I have met so many ultra beasts and guardians all together, I can't even keep count of them.
But I do remember the Buzzwole incident when Sophocles almost got squished. Speaking of that, I missed all of them back in the Alola.
Kiawe, Lillie, Mallow, Lana, Gladion, Hau, Sophocles, Professor Burnet...I missed all of them.
And I can tell that Emolga missed them too.
"Pick up, Professor, come on..." I muttered.
"Alola, Kukui here."
"PROFESSOR!" Me and Iris blurted out.
"Amy? Iris? Is that you? Oh my gosh! I missed you two so much!" He gasped, barely crying.
"How are my Alola Pokémon? How are they?" I asked.
"They are amazing! Me and Burnet love them!" He laughed, "you're lucky to have them and they're lucky to have you, cousin."
I was glad he called me cousin again.
"Are Lycanroc and Kommo-o behaving?" I asked.
"They found a way around it, yeah," he nodded.
"Emo! Emolga-a!" Emolga waved excitedly.
"Hey Emolga! Long time no see!" Kukui smiled again.
Haxorus grunted and even though it doesn't look like he's smiling, his eyes were shining with excitement...which meant he was smiling.
"Anywhere else you wanna visit, cousin? I'll give you a hint...it starts with an 'A'," he winked.
I laughed and Emolga snickered. "As much as I would love to visit the Alola again professor, I still think I have somewhere else to be."

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