What Does Steven Really Think of Me?

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Slowly, I made my way towards the Pokémon Center. It was awful. How could I just leave my friends behind?! I'm awful...
Nurse Joy was outside, looking through the air as if she saw something interesting go by. Maybe a big baseball ball made of chocolate or something.
She noticed me trudging towards the place like that and ran over to me. I have a feeling that bad news was coming.
"Nurse Joy?" I said, "What's wrong?"
"Team Magma...blew up the area. Everyone who was with you is injured badly—"
I didn't need another word. My feet went autopilot, going hyper mode and I rushed forwards, surging through the crowds of people that literally pushed by to see the hurt.
Team Magma...I growled under my breath, I swear I'll kill them all.
I took the second door to the right and flew down a long hallway. They had to be at the last room. Nurse Joy caught up to me with difficulty and as a surprise, Flannery was with her too.
"They're all okay—" Flannery told me, putting a hand on my shoulder.
I feel a 'but' coming on...
"—but, they only need to rest since their injuries are mostly burns and broken bones."
Knew it.
I shoved the door open, Emolga gulping in fear. There were four beds in the wide room each in a corner and the Pokémon were sitting with their owners in each bed.
Except Skarmory who was being treated somewhere outside due to its size. Steven was on the bed at the far right while Iris was sitting next to Haxorus on the near right.
Wally has Kirlia in his arms and he hugged it tight on the far left. Cilan had the broken up Pansage on his head by the door. Emolga glided off my shoulder to Pansage and went: "Emo! Emo! Emolga!" To him helplessly.
"Oh my freaking—Steven! Wally! Iris! Cilan!" I gasped, trying to hold back my tears, "I'm so sorry I dragged you into this! This is all my—"
"No it's not," Wally choked slightly, "It's team Magma. Did you get the stuff they stole?"
I shoved out the papers from my pockets and held them tight in my bruised, scratched hands. I must've fell on my face so many times when Houndoom gave me that lift. That painful, uncomfortable—yet necessary—lift.
"I gut em," I confirmed, showing these parts to them, "Uh...missed the parts though. Too heavy to carry on my own."
"It's okay."
My heart leapt up into my throat like it was thrown on a trampoline violently and then sank back down into my stomach like a freaking brick. Steven shook his nausea off and looked at me straight.
"As long as they don't have these papers, they won't be able to figure out what the parts are for," Iris smiled.
"I doubt Maxie or Archie are even that dumb. They'll figure it out somehow," Cilan shook his head and straightened himself.
"Nurse Joy...I have to sleep with them tonight please," I begged, "They're my best friends!"
"You sure you don't wanna have a night at the Gym?" Flannery asked me.
"Yes!!!" I sighed, "No offense but...Flannery, your Gym is like sitting in a Frying Pan. Again, uh, no offense."
"None taken," she told me, "I get that a lot anyways."
"Let's go guys," Nurse Joy said, "The dorms are on the upper floor."
Since Cilan was sleeping with Wally and Iris was sleeping with her Pokémon (she loves them way to much like a Pokémom) that left Steven and me.
Uh oh.
Please not that. Anything but that. Steven smirked, blushing a little and said, "Welp, looks like it's only you and me."
I tried to say: 'Maybe or maybe not' but it came out as: "Uh-duh."
Steven chuckled and when everyone came out of the room, Steven's arm snaked around my waist and brought me closer to his chest.
"S-Steven?! What're you—?!" I stammered.
"Hush," he whispered, kissing my cheek.
I didn't feel calmer. The opposite. I felt like my blush will start to rise higher and higher in shades of red until my head explodes.
"I-I hope we don't take it all that personal," I said shakily.
"No, no. It's alright," he assured me, "I promise I won't act like a weirdo."
I smiled and he smiled back. When our faces pushed towards each other, Steven's warm breath washed over my face as my nose met with his.
We were about to go further but Nurse Joy opened up the door and we separated almost instantly.
"Are you two coming?" She asked.
"I-In a minute," I said shyly.
She nodded and closed the door as she left. Man...that was embarrassing. But Nurse Joy was right. We had to catch up or we'll have no idea where we're going later on. So I gave Steven a quick peck on the cheek and said, "See you upstairs, roommate."
What I didn't notice was that Steven was completely love struck and did not move from his position for a while. His hand traced the spot where I kissed him on his cheek and a blush formed in the slightest shade of dark red.
He gulped heavily and felt his heart pounding against his ribs. Why was I acting like that? He thought to himself, Maybe I'm just distressed...
"Hey Amy," he called.
Later on, Steven caught up to me and he gave me a smile of just pure, pure embarrassment. The others smirked at us and I could have went SMACK with my foot right into Cilan's behind if it weren't for my control.
"So, what do you think we'll do tomorrow, roommate?" Steven asked sarcastically.
"I'll think about it," I shrugged slightly, "Roommate."
We laughed internally and when we finally got to our dorm, locking the door behind us, the two of us burst out laughing and panted for breath because of holding that one in for so long.
Emolga rolled her eyes and ducked into my pocket like yeah, I'll try and ignore you two best I can for your alone time.
"How about you go check on Cilan and Wally, huh, Emolga?" I suggested.
"Emo?" Emolga cocked her head then she realized what I was trying to do and nodded with realization.
She flew out the window and glided by to the next one where Cilan and Wally will probably (or hopefully) be in.
"So," Steven began, sitting on his bed, "Anything left to say?"
"Not sure," I shook my head and sat next to him, "You?"
"Not sure," he admitted.
We smiled and I got up, lying on my bed and taking off my headphones. They were a gift from dad who went off to become an Elite Four member...uh, I don't remember, somewhere.
"Steven...do you think we can, um, stay up a little?" I blushed internally at that though and went on with difficulty, "And talk?"
"What do you think?" He smirked again.
For a while, I went in and out of the Pokémon Center, buying myself PJs since I can't sleep in my dusty adventure vest so as a bonus, I also bought my friends some too.
Let's hope Wally is the size from 19-20 years old. He was a little younger than us but I had no idea how many years younger so...uh, lucky guess I think.
I lay down on my bed, completely worn out but I got back up again and clutched the window sill with fury. Just thinking about what Team Magma and Team Aqua do to us is making me super MAD!
It was pretty dark out and Steven was asleep—or so I thought—so my eyes couldn't see anything at all except for the pale glow of the moon.
Suddenly, my heart skipped a few beats as I felt cold arms wrap around my waist and a chest press onto my back. Steven put his head on my shoulder and looked at me with a spark of excitement in his steel blue eyes. We were both blushing so that meant we were thinking the same thing: are we absolutely out of our minds?
"Hey..." Steven said quietly, "What's wrong?"
"Just thinking," I shrugged.
Steven paused and then said again after a long pause: "Still thinking about Team Magma?"
"I mean duh, of course, this is crazy!" I was so furious that I barely yelled out all these words to the building, "Look what they did to the people! Look what they did to Cilan, Iris and Wally! And look what they did to...to you."
"I mean they are bad guys but I'm—"
I spun around and yanked his white shirt off, revealing his bare chest. I pointed at his bandages and scars and went in a slow but very angry voice, "Does this look fine to you?!"
Steven blinked since he didn't expect me to get angry all of a sudden but he grabbed my wrists and pulled me into a hug.
I hugged him back, feeling my hands go over and touch bandaging then I sighed and he kissed my head.
"But on the plus side, they don't hurt anymore right?" He smiled.
On the plus side? Oh no, no, no, nooooooo. I'm making Maxie wish he was never born so he'd learn a lesson of never to mess with people ever again. And maybe on my way, by any luck, my fist will go on a date with Archie's face. You can never get to much of revenge. As my dad always says, whenever you're between a rock and a hard place, you need to find a way of digging yourself out.
"Steven...I'll get back at them so hard, you'll be afraid of me," I growled, "I swear they'll pay big time."
"Shhhh...calm down," he said gently, "I don't need revenge."
He slid a finger down my chin and he lifted my head up so I can face him. I didn't see all that well (maybe because either I'm slowly turning insane or my blush is turning me blind) but I did feel something cold go down onto my lips.
Steven kissed me and I held him closer since all the tension was keeping my muscles all pumped up with adrenaline.
"Oh Steven," I muttered in his lips.
He didn't respond and only pressed his lips on mine harder. His arms went around me and he hugged me hard.
"Thank you for everything Amy," he smiled, "And let's only talk about this between each other, okay?"

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