A Wish From Jirachi

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Steven and I sat outside on the pavement, looking up at the orange-red sky as the sun started to set. I always enjoyed my time with Steven by today was a day that I loved it more than usual.
"Look at the sky..." I gasped, "Is it always like this here in Mossdeep?"
"Yeah..." Steven paused, "I'd always be out here solving my homework with Beldum and Anorith. I'd sometimes look up at the sunset."
"That's so cool, Steven," I smiled gently.
"You know what's even cooler?" He asked me with an excited tone, "Listen to this: every few months, Jirachi is awake to go zip through the sky like a shooting star."
"And then?" I urged.
"It once went over my house once and I wished for something," he told me in a soft whisper.
"What did you wish for?" I asked, getting more excited per second.
Cilan, Wally and Iris ran up at us, waving and I internally groaned. I wanted—I really wanted—to hear what Steven wished for. Maybe that way, I would have gotten a little closer to him.
"So how's the ice cream?" I asked.
Emolga was still in the yard playing with Sylveon and Cradily was watching gloomily. Iris and Cilan sat next to me and Wally sat next to Steven.
"It was great! Cilan is an awesome cook," Wally grinned, "I would die to go to Unova someday."
"Maybe I can bring you along, it depends on where we will go first," I shrugged.
"Emo!" Emolga smiled, floating down to my shoulder, "Emolga!"
"Even Emolga agrees," I giggled.
"That's awesome! I can't wait!" Wally said.
For a while there, we talked and laughed but Wally's partly clogged up nose from the Groudon Fight we had made him sound all Elmer Fuddish.
We walked around the City and Steven showed us some amazing places I never even knew they were there.
"So where are you guys going to stay?" Steven asked them as we walked back to his house.
"In the Pokémon Center," Iris muttered, "Cilan had to be an idiot and forget our Pokémon there."
"Emo?" Emolga said.
She glided onto Wally's head and nodded as if saying welp, looks like I'm going with the big boys.
I rolled my eyes and Steven walked them back to the Pokémon Center while I headed for his house on my own. My Lucario ball jerked and I tapped the button, releasing him into the open with me.
Lucario has been with me for longer than I can remember. Waaaay back as an egg that hatched into Riolu. So the two of us can read each other's minds. Like, out of face expressions. I know, creepy, but if Gardevoir and Diantha can do it, me and Lucario can too.
Lucario and me stared at each other for a while, communicating through our minds before something caught my eye. It was something that shined through the moonlight. It was a yellow and smooth stone, barely glowing itself. I went to touch it but my fingers burned immediately.
"Ouch! What the heck?" I moaned, rubbing my fingers together.
"Lu?" Lucario looked at the stone I touched and he cupped it in his paws.
"Let's get it to Steven," I suggested, "Maybe he knows what this is. Lucario, put it in my pocket."
Lucario shoved the hot stone into my pocket and I gave him a fist bump and a hug, putting him back into his Pokéball. Steven was already on his way back by the time I arrived and he held my hand, giving me a soft smile.
"So uh, what do you want to do?" Steven asked a little shyly.
"You know? After everything today? I just want to go to bed," I yawned, feeling my eyes close.
Steven stopped and held me tightly, trapping me into a soft embrace and I felt my mouth slowly break a smile as my head leaned onto his chest.
"If you want to, you can sleep with me," Steven whispered gently, stroking my hair.
"As long as I can close my eyes a little..." I mumbled, shutting down almost instantly.
Steven carefully fell on his knees and let me sleep on him. Slowly, his arms tightened around me so I wouldn't fall to the ground like a drunk idiot.
"Goodnight," he whispered to me, putting his lips to my cheek affectionately.
I don't know how or when, but I slowly opened my eyes later on in the night and found myself on Steven's bed...next to Steven.
Not that I'm complaining. He looked cute when he slept. But that isn't the only reason I woke up. My gaze drifted to the window in my right. There was a soft white glow outside like a little ghost was drifting around.
Then it hit me: Mossdeep doesn't have Ghost Types.
Especially at Steven's house.
I steadily got up because the last thing I wanted was to wake him up. Steven was just another risk taking angel out there who might die trying to search for his needs. I saw him do it once and it wasn't pretty.
I swung my feet off the bed and snuck into the kitchen. In the kitchen, I peered through the window and saw a white glow coming from a figure that floated around the yard.
I squinted and saw tiny black eyes glowing with excitement as it floated across the grass and picked up pebbles, throwing it around.
I grabbed my Pokéball belt and clicked it on, tapping my Pikachu sash uncomfortably.
I yanked the door open and raced down the steps, racing to a halt by the corner.
I took a sneak peek behind the corner and saw the Pokémon in a more visible direction. I gulped as I readied my Sceptile in hand and clutched my sash in the other to Mega Evolve him.
Any time now subconscious! I thought.
Then, the light started to soften and in the yard was Jirachi. I never saw him up close before. Was I only dreaming?
Wake up, Amy what are you, a hipster?
I pinched myself and hid a squeak of pain. Oh it was real alright. I crouched down and saw it's eyes glinting with playful excitement. It looked so peaceful and...um, 'Not hostile'.
Hold on, hold on! Snap to PERSPECTIVE here Amy! Why is he here?
Well, my subconscious had a point. Why was Jirachi here? I rolled towards the fence silently and clutched my Sceptile ball with every bit of strength I had.
Being around a Mythical Pokémon is so nerve racking. It was like trying to pet a lion, willingly knowing that it'll bite your hand off.
"Man...why is this so difficult?" I thought to myself.
Jirachi gave a 'Ji?' of confusion and looked behind him, staring at me with wide black eyes. I gulped and waited for a hostile reaction. But Jirachi is a nice Pokémon who is nice to most people. Yeah, 'most'. You heard that right.
"Jirachi?" I whispered, "Why are you here?"
"Jira!" Jirachi giggled mischievously and took off.
"Wait!" I called.
None of my Pokémon we're flying types which meant I had to run after it. Yes by the way, I can tell you're saying "Amy, Emolga is a flying type you idiot" and yes she is except she is way too small to learn Fly. That makes her not count.
Jirachi zipped through the forest of Mossdeep City and I had to run as hard as possible to catch up to him. I did lose track of him once or twice but with that light erupting out, he isn't hard to spot.
"Jirachi!" I kept yelling, "Hold on!"
Then, without a hint, Jirachi came to a halt and took a loop, appearing in front of me all of a sudden and he giggled playfully, waving his arms and feet around.
He wasn't running away. He just wanted to play tag. I smiled as he spun around me and I put my hand onto his head.
"They say you can make a wish right?" I asked, smiling.
"Jira!" Jirachi nodded.
"Think I can make a wish?" I asked him.
"Jira-CHI!" Jirachi pointed up and traced his tiny finger across the sky in a semi circle.
"You need to be in the sky?" I asked.
"Ji," he shook his head and waved his arms two times.
"Anywhere?" I asked.
Jirachi nodded in agreement and then gave me a smile. I thought about what I wanted my whole life. So far, I wanted a flying type that can actually FLY but I shook my head. Jirachi...
Then it came to me. Ever since today, I always wanted to know what Steven wished for. What he really wanted.
"Jirachi...I wish I can know what Steven wished for when he was young," I decided.
The tiny Pokémon lifted his arms and he was about to make the magic work before:
"Why wish for it when I can tell you?"
I turned around and saw Steven standing there. He had a gentle smile on his face and his steel blue eyes and hair were sparkling in the moonlight.
"Steven? How'd you know I was here?" I asked.
"Well, I heard you get up and saw the light outside so I just followed you," he answered.
"Jirachi!" Jirachi was about to leave but Steven stopped him.
"Jirachi, wait," Steven said, "Take care, okay? Before you go."
Jirachi smiled and nodded (for like the eighteenth time or something) then he took off in a blast of light. Steven took my hand and kissed my cheek.
"You wanted to know what I wished for earlier huh?" He asked.
"I wished for a person...a person I can fall in love with," Steven murmured.
"Whoa..." I gasped, "Did it come true?"
"Amy, it already came true," he whispered, "Because I...I love you."
My mouth parted to reply but Steven was faster and before I can say anything, his lips fell on mine and he kissed me with a slightly rough force.
"Oh Steven..." I muttered in his kiss, "I love you too."
Yay! Another chapter! We just wanna say: what do you think of this ship? We made it a Steven Stone x an unknown trainer just so we wouldn't get weird haters against it so yeah...
Anyways! We just wanted to say a 'thanks so much' to blancxcem since she was our first comment and the first person to vote on our stories. Now she's following us! Yay! Anyways, hope that we'll make another chapter later! For now, we'll take a break!

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