Wally VS Team Magma

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Cilan stopped and pointed at the streets of Dewford town where Wally was. But he was not alone.
Ralts and him were on the ground and they were surrounded by my old enemies team Magma. Steven frowned and took a glance at me. He knew I whooped them before but he didn't think they'd have the guts to go wipe the floors with my friends.
His Aggron growled and Emolga sparked dangerously. These two must've hated Team Magma more than us because they were breathing heavily and Aggron was pounding the ground like he was waiting for a signal to charge them.
"H-Hey! Leave me alone!" Wally stammered, trying to scoot away from them.
"Shut your yap, wimp!" One of them shot, "We remember you and that memory ain't happy."
"Is it my fault that your plan sucked?!" Wally answered back.
I'm starting to like Wally a lot... he's defending himself and he fights for what's right these days. I'm proud of him.
"You little—"
A Magma Grunt took out Camerupt and targeted Wally as a victim. Haxorus roared and stood in front of Wally to defend him.
"Emolga, use Charm on Haxorus," I told her, "Wally needs to learn how to fight back."
Emolga nodded and she glided up into the air, winking and making pink energy waves shoot out at Haxorus.
His eyes started glowing red to pink and before you know it, he was already in love. Iris gasped and watched her Pokémon go around in circles, growling softly and fall to the ground bunch of times.
"What happened?" Iris gasped, "Haxorus! Snap out of it! Did you do that?!"
"Who said I use girly charm moves?" The Grunt shrugged.
Emolga landed on my shoulder and giggled mischievously. Wally turned around and looked at me as if he was saying; you told Emolga to do that didn't you?
I eyed him like; yep and now I want you to show them what you're capable of!
And he went; what?! Are you out of your mind?
I give him a nod and shakily stood up, ready for a fight.
"Uh, what just happened? Am I missing something?" Steven asked, looking from me to Wally.
"Don't worry Mr. Stone, we understand face expressions...let's go Ralts!" Wally said.
"I am never going to understand you am I?" Steven told me.
"What, the Champion?" One of the Grunts trembled.
"Seriously?! You just let his presence freak you out? Man up!" Another shouted.
"Camerupt! Rockslide!"
"Alright! Block it Ralts by using Light Screen!"
Ralts raised his arms high and a pink barrier appeared in front of him. The boulders that came from Camerupt bounced off the shield harmlessly but it did smash it.
Slowly, Camerupt shook its head and regained balance for another move. Ralts and Camerupt were equally slow in speed so they'd have to get in more damage than try and dodge moves.
"Ralts use your special Ice Punch!" Wally ordered.
"Camerupt! Use Stone Edge!" The Grunt countered.
Ralts and his ice punch harmlessly bounced off the blue stones that shot out of the ground. Steven was in the motion to step forwards but I held his arm and didn't let go.
"He needs help, what are you doing?" He said.
"Don't worry...we just need to believe in Wally...he can do it and I know he can," I whispered.
Ralts got hit by Stone Edge's attack and tumbled backwards at Wally's feet. He blinked back tears and went with another strategy. With all that went on, I didn't even realize that Emolga secretly left my shoulder and started to wobble and waddle towards the Team Magma Grunts. She rubbed her cheeks furiously and stood behind them all, ready to electrocute them on my mark.
As much as I'd love to see their butts catch fire, I still couldn't. Wally needs to at least experience one real battle for once.
Ralts landed a Thunder Wave onto Camerupt, paralyzing it, and then he used Shadow Ball, knocking it into the Grunt himself.
"Wh-what? How could I lose?!" He yelped.
"Wait, I won? I actually won! Iris, Cilan, Amy, Steven...did you see that?! Ralts you monster!" Wally cheered and hugged Ralts hard.
Emolga slapped herself hard and I grabbed Wally's arm, dragging him away.

Emolga slapped herself hard and I grabbed Wally's arm, dragging him away

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She sparked and electrocuted the entire Gang of Magma Grunts. That gave us all a signal to make a split for it and run off before they can catch us.
Steven was going to take us to Mauville and there are tons of places I'm fond of there...LEGO Stores.
We went to find more Pokémon just so we can meet new ones. Wally wanted to have a battle against me so one side thought:
Don't accept it, you are bound to destroy him anyways.
While the other side was like:
Come on! Let loose a bit and train up! Wally is still a beginner which means he'll have a chance to train with the strongest in the world.
I accepted only because there are a hundred thousand things to do in Mauville.
"Ralts, I choose you!"
"Emolga, it's go time," I nodded.
Emolga and Ralts stepped into the field and we were ready to battle. Wally didn't start (he was supposed to though) and instead, he just took a good look at Emolga so he can think about any moves that could be super effective.
"Emolga, use Air Slash!"
"Ralts, use Knock Off!"
Flying higher, Emolga sliced through the air and sent two gusts of powerful wind at Ralts. His Dark move didn't do much damage so Emolga was starting off very well already.
"Emolga, use your skills! Thunderbolt!"
Emolga rubbed her cheeks hard and then sparked, launching a wave of thunder at Ralts. He went shooting backwards toward the trees and Wally yelped, going after him.
"Ralts, are you okay?!" Wally gasped, shaking his Pokémon awake.
"I don't think he can go on—" I paused and looked at Ralts.
He has blue light coming from him and his shape changed slowly.
"R-Ralts?! Are you—?" Wally gasped, "Are you evolving?!"

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